fic: who the fuck wants to die alone?

Oct 01, 2012 02:18

title: who the fuck wants to die alone? 
pairing: bliss (chris colfer / blaine anderson)
word count: 3400 ish

summary: Blaine graduated from Dalton and went to LA to stay with Cooper and start auditioning for singing and acting opportunities. There he meets Chris Colfer Golden Globe winning actor and single, hot, gay man. (for this prompt on the gkm). SEQUEL TO THIS

a/n: title taken from 'some nights', FUN. unbeta-d.

It took about a month for the initial excitement of living in a new place to wear off. He counted himself pretty lucky that he had Cooper’s support so he didn’t have to worry so much about paying rent and finding a place to stay obviously, but he didn’t want to solely rely on Cooper. He did find himself a job, waiting tables at a stingy bar and he helped contribute to rent but what really worried him was the outcomes of his auditions. He had gone for what, ten, now? Not a single callback.

He’d known competition was going to be fierce but nothing could have prepared him for the ache of the continuous rejection. Maybe his teachers were right - maybe he wasn’t cut out for a career like this. He’d always been a little... sensitive. Rejection in particular hit a little too close to home for his liking, though he tried to grin and bear it, within a month of being in New York he was ready to just give up and go back home.

In fact, the only easy thing about living here, the only thing apart from his brother, that made it seem worthwhile at all - was Chris.

That first night in New York... it was better than anything from his wildest dreams it was... it was...

It was everything.

He’d woken up in the warmth of his arms, blushing as he realised Chris had been watching him sleep with a fond smile. But it wasn’t creepy - it was fucking lovely. He felt so warm and cared for as Chris kissed him softly, murmuring a gentle good morning and telling him to go back to sleep. Blaine had laid there for a while, watching (mournfully) as Chris pulled on a pair of tracksuit pants and then left. Laying in the comfort of Chris’s bed Blaine almost dozed back off but instead listened to the sounds swimming through Chris’s open window. The thing about New York that he had heard but never really understood was that it was loud. He could hear the traffic all the way up in Chris’s tenth floor apartment, hear the bickering of the neighbours, the boisterous people on the street. And closer, he could hear the whirl of boiling water, a clutter of pots and pans as Chris set about whatever he was doing.

Blaine had nestled in and waited, blushing as his cock stirred between his legs as he recalled the events from the previous night that had brought him here. He ached a little, but it wasn’t altogether unpleasant. It was almost...well, nice, having that reminder of what had been and what had happened and what was hopefully (hopefully!) still to come.

Chris had brought him breakfast in bed - coffee and eggs - and Blaine ate it like it was the best thing he’d ever tasted. Chris licked away the droplets of coffee that clung to his lips and Blaine tried to drag him back under the covers for more, but Chris insisted that they needed to talk first.

He told Blaine that with his busy schedule and filming and the fact that Blaine would be busy looking for work, that they wouldn’t really have time to date, and that it would be really hard trying to pursue a relationship - if that’s what Blaine was after. But he added that he would be willing to try because he really, really (really!) liked Blaine.

Furiously blushing, Blaine quietly admitted that he really liked Chris too.

“Really?” Chris had teased, eyes sparkling mischievously as he made Blaine say it again, murmuring a low, “well, I guess we’ll have to try and work something out then,” against his lips before kissing him soundly again, and again, and again.

And so they tried to work something out.

As Chris had predicted, between Blaine’s auditions and his work and Chris’s work and his writing and he was always working and writing, it was hard to find time for each other. But when they had...

When they had...

Well, it was pretty fucking lovely.

Chris had taken him out as much as he could, bought him dinner, taken him to romantic restaurants, Broadway shows, strolls in Central Park... Well, Cooper had done the same, as much as he could to compensate, but it just wasn’t the same when it was your brother.

The thing was, though, that Blaine really liked Chris. Like, really really liked him, so much that his stomach swooped like a fucking magpie every time Chris called him his boyfriend, that he blushed every time Chris held his hand in public or held him close when they danced. He could make his heart stutter with just a simple look and Blaine was so head over heels for him that it was insane.

And in bed...

Blaine wouldn’t deny it - the sex was amazing. So many nights Blaine spent in Chris’s bed, pressed down into the mattress, his hands pulling him apart, his lips bringing him back together again. He had no right to complain, it was fantastic every time - Chris was careful to never go further than Blaine wanted, and was unrestrained when Blaine needed him to be so.

For the most  part, anyway.

And that would be Blaine’s only problem. In fact, it wasn’t really fair of him to call it a problem at all.

The thing was, though, was that Chris just... he had this ass. And Blaine sort of really really (really really really) wanted to fuck it. There really was no other way of putting it. And Blaine didn’t know how to put it either. He was still shy about asking for things in bed, no matter how reassuring and perfect Chris was about it. He promised him he’d be happy to do whatever he wanted, if only he’d ask.

It was just a matter of actually asking for it.


It was about a few weeks later that Blaine got his first callback.

It was only a small part with very few lines but it was the best news he’d had since moving here that Blaine wanted to do nothing more than celebrate. He felt triumphant. Fuck you Ohio, he wanted to scream. He was just that one step closer to making it.

Cooper was ecstatic for him and promised to take him out wherever he wanted, no matter the expense. But once he quickly retracted his offer when he realised exactly who Blaine needed to see that night, and said they could go out that weekend instead.

Chris picked up on the first ring.

And just as Cooper had been, Chris was utterly and adorably thrilled for him and offered to take him out wherever he wanted to go. But Blaine had shyly said that he didn’t need to take him anywhere.

“I want to go to your house.”

Chris had paused for a moment before replying. “Even better.” The slight breathy quality to his tone made blush rise high on Blaine’s cheeks and his lashes flutter as he promised to be over in an hour, giving himself just enough time to get ready and catch a cab over.

When he arrived at the apartment, Chris was in the middle of cooking dinner.

“That smells good,” Blaine beamed, letting himself in after Chris had called out for him to do so. He shed his jacket at the door, hanging it up beside Chris’s, smiling at the domesticity of their fabrics hanging so close together.

“Lasagne,” Chris said proudly, “your favourite.”

It was Blaine’s favourite, Blaine thought, warmth spreading through his chest; a fact he’d only absently mentioned the last time they went out to Italian - three weeks ago.

He’d remembered.

“Sounds good,” Blaine enthused, practically bouncing over to greet him. Chris set the spoon he’d been using to stir aside and cradled Blaine’s cheeks gently between his hands, kissing him softly. Blaine whimpered into his mouth as one hand slid down to cup his neck, drawing him closer.

“Not as good as you,” Chris mumbled, trailing kisses down his jaw. “I’m so proud of you...”

Blaine tried not to whine at his words. God, how long he’d waited to hear them. He tugged Chris back up to kiss him passionately, winding his arms around his neck, pressing their chests together, needing to feel him.

“God, you’re so gorgeous,” Chris panted, resting their foreheads together as they caught their breath. He slid a hand down Blaine’s cheek, tilting his chin up to kiss him gently once more. “I’m so proud of you, baby...”

That time Blaine couldn’t resist moaning out right as he launched back up to kiss him. “Show me,” Blaine gasped out, “show me how much.”

The breath escaped his lungs as Chris pulled Blaine’s legs up to wrap around his waist, their lips not parting as Chris slowly led them from the kitchen down the hall, putting him down at the door to his room. He took his hand as he guided him inside, brushing a kiss to his knuckles as he sat down against the mattress, pulling Blaine to stand between his legs. He kissed up his arm gently as Blaine rested a knee against the mattress, leaning into him. Chris used his other hand to pull him closer, rubbing down his back until it rested over the firm swell of his ass, making Blaine gasp out as he squeezed.

“God, you’re perfect,” Chris whispered against his skin and that was all the encouragement Blaine needed before he slid to his knees, his nose dragging down Chris’s chest and stomach before his mouth came to rest just below his waistband, Chris moaning as Blaine fiddled with his zipper, pulling it down carefully.

Blaine loved everything about being with Chris, but one thing he loved most, was being on his knees for him. It felt so... right, being able to look up and keep his gaze, so hot and dark staring back at him, feel the thread of Chris’s hands winding through his hair, keeping him there as he worked his mouth over him.

“Yeah...” Chris sighed, his eyes falling shut, head tilting back as Blaine moaned around his cock, “good... that’s good... so good to me...”

That was probably the thing Blaine got off on most - knowing that Chris was feeling this just as strongly as he was. When he’d pet at his hair and kiss him and call him his good boy... there was just something about that submissive ownership that made him feel so loved and cared for and treasured.

Blaine just wanted to be his forever.

“Shhh,” Chris whispered gently, easing Blaine off to tug him up to sit on his lap.

“Why’d you make me stop?” Blaine asked with a frown. Chris caressed his cheek gently, smirking a little.

“Because I’m ready to fuck you now.”

And there was the problem.

Because no matter how many times Chris had taken him to bed, it was always Blaine who was fucked and it wasn’t that he didn’t love being fucked by Chris - he just wanted to return the favour sometimes. But he knew that Chris wouldn’t give it to him until he asked... and no matter how embarassing it would be if he said no, he had to try anyway...

“I was thinking,” Blaine said, crawling up the bed next to him. Chris quirked an eyebrow at that, spreading out on the bed and Blaine’s train of thought pretty much stopped there at the glorious sight of his body, laying across the mattress, all for him.

“You were thinking?” Chris prompted, his voice light and teasing. Blaine shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts.

“I was thinking,” he tried again, “that maybe this time.. I could... you.”

“You could what?”


Chris raised his eyebrows, looking almost taken aback at the idea. He considered it before his face fell slightly, his head hanging.

“Am I not good enough or are you not happy or-”

“No!” Blaine blurted out loudly, hand immediately flying out to grab his arm in reassurance. “No... it’s not that at all. I just thought maybe... was there a reason we haven’t or... do you not want me like that?”

“Of course I do,” Chris said truthfully and Blaine’s face lit up. “But... I... I don’t know if I can.”

Blaine frowned in confusion. “You... can’t?”

“It’s not you, Blaine,” Chris assured him, reaching out to grab his hands, pulling him closer until they were both sitting up, knees pressed together. “The last guy I was with was pretty much strictly a top... and sometimes he got a little rough and... there were a few times were...” Chris lowered his eyes, “I haven’t since him - and that was like a year ago. I’ve only ever topped since.”

“Oh,” Blaine said in realisation, suddenly feeling horrible, “I’m sorry, I didn’t-”

“You didn’t know, Blaine,” Chris said, smiling gently as he caressed his cheek with sweeping strokes, just gentle brushes of his fingertips. “And like I said... I want that with you. You make me want to feel comfortable and I want to try.”

“You... are you sure?” Blaine checked, trying to keep the hopefulness out of his voice and failing miserably.

“I’m sure,” Chris insisted, moving in to kiss him, sweet and slow, just deep enough to make Blaine’s stomach curl up with pleasant warmth, tingles dancing under his skin. He smiled against his mouth as Chris pressed deeper, pushing him gently against the covers.

“Would it be okay,” Chris asked in a low murmur, his lips trailing down just below his ear, “if I rode you? My... my ex always made me be under.”

Blaine fought back a moan, building low in his throat and his whole body shivered at the thought. “Fuck yes...”he breathed and Chris chuckled.

“I thought you might like that...”

Blaine exhaled shakily as Chris slid down his body, unbuttoning Blaine’s shirt and sliding it off his shoulders before kissing the newly exposed skin with hot, wet, open mouthed kisses that left Blaine moaning and trembling beneath him. He deftly removed his pants, placing a light kiss on his cock that made Blaine arch off the sheets, seeking more friction. Chris only laughed softly, hopping off the bed to quickly remove his own clothes before grabbing the lube and condoms out of his drawer.

Blaine tried not to lick his lips, watching the sexy sway of his hips as he moved. The way Chris carried himself, so confident and strong, Blaine found it hard to believe that anyone could ever hurt him - could ever want to hurt him. As he climbed back on the sheets, Blaine immediately surged forward, capturing him in a fierce, passionate kiss.

No one would ever hurt him again - Blaine would do his best to make sure of it.

Chris moaned into his mouth and Blaine smiled smugly, pleased at being in the position for once to make him do so. Chris let out a little growl at that, pushing Blaine back into the sheets and Blaine felt a rush of adrenaline surge through him at the force. Chris rarely got rough with him, always so sweet and careful, but fuck, Blaine wished he’d do it more often.

That might be a thing to bring up next time...

Chris straddled his legs then, rising up a little as he lubed up his fingers, reaching behind to where he began to spread himself open for him. Blaine groaned at the sight as Chris’s eyes fluttered shut at the pressure, soft whimpers of pleasure falling from his lips. Blaine’s hands couldn’t stay still, petting all over his thighs and the soft skin curving over his hips. God, he really was divine so gorgeous and so Blaine’s. It was nice to know as Blaine so surely belonged to Chris, Chris was willing to give himself to Blaine also.

Once he was ready, Chris leaned forward and kissed Blaine sweetly.

“Thank you for trying this,” Blaine whispered.

“I trust you,” Chris assured him. “There’s no one else I’d rather be with right now.”

Warmth spread through Blaine’s chest and Chris kissed him once more, so heated and deeply that Blaine didn’t realise until it was happening that Chris was slowly sinking down on Blaine’s cock.

“F-fuck,” Blaine stuttered as Chris slowly sank down, his breath coming heatedly and fast as he leaned back from Blaine’s mouth, his neck falling back.

“God, you feel so good, sweetheart,” Chris breathed, his hands massaging up Blaine’s thighs as he slowly inched down, “s-s-so good.”

“Chris,” Blaine whined, the tight hot feel of Chris clenching around him almost too much to bear. It was good - so freaking good - and better than Blaine could have possibly imagined. It was so new, experiencing it from the other side, but Blaine couldn’t complain as Chris finally sat down completely, Blaine drawing him fully into his lap so he could kiss him properly.

“Please, baby,” Chris begged, his voice desperate and wanton as his lips slid to kiss up his neck, resting under his ear, “please say I can move.”

“Oh god,” Blaine groaned, “fuck yes.” He let out a noise he wasn’t proud of as Chris rose up in his lap, his hands winding around Blaine’s neck as he fucked himself back down, agonisingly slow before repeating the action, faster now.

It was so overwhelmingly hot and good and Blaine didn’t think it could get any better until Chris pushed Blaine back down against the covers, holding his wrists above his head as he fucked himself down against the covers hard and fast. Blaine was a desperate mess beneath him, writhing and whimpering, begging to touch, but loving every bit of the dominance Chris held over him. he fucked  himself over him rough and fast and hard, and there was nothing Blaine could do but just lie back and take take take - there was nothing Blaine wanted to do. The heat and pressure around his cock was enough to make him dizzy when combined with the added hotness of Kurt’s dominance and he could feel the heat and pleasure inside him building, teetering on that glorious edge of too much and not enough.

“Blaine,” Chris moaned, “please, baby, touch me-” Chris gasped out, pleasure easing over his features as Blaine began to jerk him off in quick, eager strokes, his hands released from their confines, “yeah...” Chris sighed, “so good, sweetheart, so good to me...such a good boy...”

Blaine cried out as his hips began to stutter, heat shuttering up his body as he began to come inside of him, eyes glazing over as Chris held him close, still fucking him through his orgasm. Once he caught his breath, he could only lie there as Chris slowly eased out, lying down next to Blaine, jerking himself off quickly before coming over both of their stomachs. Blaine moaned as Chris slid his fingers through the substance, giggling as he swiped it off the plane of Blaine’s torso before swooping down and kissing Blaine softly.

“I’l get us cleaned up,” he whispered against his mouth but Blaine whined, reaching for him.

“Stay,” he pleaded and Chris smiled.

“I’ll only be a minute...”

He hopped off quickly, returning moments later with a tissue to wipe up Blaine’s stomach. He tossed it in the trash before crawling back up the bed to lay beside him once more, wrapping his arms around Blaine and holding him close.

“Was that okay for you?” Blaine asked a little worriedly.

“Okay...” Chris breathed out on a laugh. “Blaine that was... that was amazing... I-” Blaine blinked the hazy unfocus out of his eyes, straining himself to catch Chris’s expression. He still looked like he was struggling for words but instead dipped down to kiss his lips instead.

Slightly petulant, Blaine mumbled against his lips, “What were you going to say?”

Chris chuckled softly, pulling away to press his face against Blaine’s shoulder, pulling him closer. He rubbed Blaine’s back gently and in his arms Blaine felt so endearingly safe, so close to him. The drowsiness overtook him and he struggled to keep his eyes and ears open in time to hear Chris’s answer.

“The lasagne is still in the oven.”

gkm, bliss

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