ALKIDF YOU SEE HOW LONG IT TOOK ME TO REPLY?? YEAH. I AM SO BAD AT THIS. Ahaha mmmm, if there was less work in the semester, that would be awesome. I can't wait to go home to ottawa, I should prooooobably update before the. Only probably tho. :D
That sentance made me pop a boner. *cue music "I jizzed in my pants"*
I SHALL ROCK ONWARD. And post another image once I get back to my reeeeeal computer, not the one I'm borrowing from home. Oh reading week, the stress of not having stress has never been so insiduous. :D
FFFFFFFT WAY AHEAD OF YA. *winkwink* Side tangent: I like the layout with the bread on the top, how very..........
French, baha! No but I love your journal, your icons make me giggle to myself. Much like Kate beaton's journal - which, ps, I am starting to understand why historical comics are so fantastic. I need to parody some of her stuff and change the characters to APH....
Hello, this is the Russia/Canada writer!anon that posted in response to your Rus/Can "Canada is Really Pic" fanart awhile ago.
Why hello there fellow Same-Shipper! Your an amazing artist and your pictures totally helped keep me motivated with writing stories. I love them a a huge amount~! Also you seem to be a really awesome/interesting person, from reading your journal a bit.
((I'm sorry for the late-ness. I would have posted MUCH SOONER, but Canadian history college hates me and likes to eat my free time. (Lol Canadian Communist Unions in Depression. Ideas much? XD))
OH MAN, CANADIAN HISTORY CLASS MUST BE SO FUN. Do you imagine it acted out in your head? I am so JEALOUS all I got was stupid euro-centric art history, and that's no fun.
Thank you for the sweet compliments, it's nice to hear my art keeps people motivated! Uuuughh, like I told sconetastic, I have more art to post once I get to my computer. And hopefully if my stupid Interp class doesn't eat my whole life. >.> It did that last semester, not cool.
Meeeeee interesting? FFFFT - gotta say, if I come off as interestnig, then my journal is the best propeganda tool EVER. I wish I was as cool IRL as I am on the net. I'm not brave enough to open my mouth and say half the snark I write about ^^;;;
PPPST: what's your degree in? Have you ever read Saul's work?
Comments 17
we'll make a pack to update more than once a semester! :3
I SHALL ROCK ONWARD. And post another image once I get back to my reeeeeal computer, not the one I'm borrowing from home. Oh reading week, the stress of not having stress has never been so insiduous. :D
French, baha! No but I love your journal, your icons make me giggle to myself. Much like Kate beaton's journal - which, ps, I am starting to understand why historical comics are so fantastic. I need to parody some of her stuff and change the characters to APH....
Why hello there fellow Same-Shipper! Your an amazing artist and your pictures totally helped keep me motivated with writing stories. I love them a a huge amount~! Also you seem to be a really awesome/interesting person, from reading your journal a bit.
((I'm sorry for the late-ness. I would have posted MUCH SOONER, but Canadian history college hates me and likes to eat my free time. (Lol Canadian Communist Unions in Depression. Ideas much? XD))
Thank you for the sweet compliments, it's nice to hear my art keeps people motivated! Uuuughh, like I told sconetastic, I have more art to post once I get to my computer. And hopefully if my stupid Interp class doesn't eat my whole life. >.> It did that last semester, not cool.
Meeeeee interesting? FFFFT - gotta say, if I come off as interestnig, then my journal is the best propeganda tool EVER. I wish I was as cool IRL as I am on the net. I'm not brave enough to open my mouth and say half the snark I write about ^^;;;
PPPST: what's your degree in? Have you ever read Saul's work?
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