[ ic ; letter - your crush ]

Aug 02, 2010 05:28

Dear Dawn,

If you thought your birthday present was corny then you might not want to read this, but you never know when I'm gonna be pulled out of the City again so I wanna get this out in the open. But first, you have to know how {...} extremely difficult this all is for me and more than just a little complicated, but it's all 100% sincere. Just try to bear with me.

I know that things haven't been easy for you, having known me from a time I don't remember, but your friendship means the world to me and I'm glad that you don't completely hate me for forgetting. I think there's a lot that I wouldn't be able to deal with as well as I do if I hadn't met you and talked to you and bitched and complained to you. We're a lot alike in some ways that are almost eerie and that helps me connect to you on a level that I've never really been on before. You have no idea how hard it is for me to get close to anyone like that, especially after {...} everything.

I think I could love you, Dawn, and to be honest, that kind of scares me. I don't exactly have the best track record for successful relationships. I trust you and I care about you {...} a lot and maybe one day I'll actually be able to tell you in person. But if I were to leave here tomorrow and never come back, I'd regret never telling you just how much you mean to me.

Thank you for {...} everything, Dawn, and for giving me a chance to cherish someone in a way I never thought I would be able to again.

Ego diligos vos,

Sam Winchester

letter meme, dawn

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