doctor who thoughts: (spoilers if you're not 100% caught up)
the doctor could never face river's death, which is why she had to die the first time they met. he sent her to the only man who could help her, and he wanted to be with her at her end....
also, once i realized that the tardis is actually a character, things started making a little more sense. she allows things to happen to her if she knows it benefits the doctor, or gets him to do things she knows he needs to do. just think about this, if the earth could disappear underneath it, then why would it fall through a floor? unless she wanted to. :D
i'm really enjoying being a whovian... haven't really hit a fandom so hard since i became a browncoat! :D
btw, i'm thinking of steampunking a catherine tate character... but i can't think of any one definative "donna" outfit... that is something that even when altered can still say "Donna Noble"... so instead i'm thinking of doing Lauren "Am I Bovvered?", as thats her other character most known by whovians, its a very distinct hairstyle and outfit, but one that could easily be altered and still scream the character... but i haven't decided yet... thoughts?