I don't believe in resolutions but here are my manifestation wishes for this year:
A new-to-us house.
Closer to the older kids.
Less anxiety and depression/a better handle on life.
Getting out of my own way.
I would say writing more but realistically the only thing getting in my way is me.
Quit wasting my time watching shitty tv I don't enjoy while fucking around on Facebook and listening to Lee snore while I drink too much wine and pretend that life is ok. - it's not. The wine doesn't anesthetize me, I'm not happier or less anxious, it doesn't make me creative, it makes me lazy and is empty calories. Action movies are terrible. I can and should just give up on quality time with him because it ends up like that every night and I could spend that time writing or reading or drawing or doing something that fuels me. Action movies make me anxious and I have headphones and good music.
Eat more vegetables.
Cuss less.
Hate driving less.
Earn money doing something that doesn't involve sex work.
Stop feeling worthless and inadequate.
Pass the course I failed.