Title: 26 short G-Ri stories (drabbles? idek.) { A to M }
Fandom: Big Bang
Pairing: GRi
Genre: Various
Rating: PG - NC-17
Summary: 26 fucking G-Ri moments. Can't read the title?
A/N: My brain is dead. Took the 26 letters of the alphabet, shuffled my iTunes and inspired myself with the title or the song itself. asjdhasjkdha. This has all been written for
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Comments 14
Right now, I'm out of words...
Enough whining. XD
I'm glad you like? ♥
Actually no, three ♥ mean bad in my language ;3
Must be Russian. D:
Falling in love with Kwon Jiyong was all sorts of things: an achievement, a failure; a strength, a weakness; a curse, a blessing; a catastrophe, the best thing in existence. It was as simple as reading a child's book and at the same time, it was like trying to read ancient scripts on a burned document. It was the day, it was the night. It was a war, it was peace of mind. It was dying and reincarnating into something more solid, more complete.
OMG THIS. the irony is full of win!
in my head is also really nice. the whole talk with Teddy and how Jiyong want to write something that sounds like Seungri awwwwwww /flails.
just the two of us the image of them like this omg i love so much.
and seungri watching criss Angel is epic!!! hahahaha that was too cute <3.
everything you wrote in here is awesome. will read N-Z now XD.
"Two smiles.
A lazy kiss.
Three words.
Sometimes, everything doesn't mean much and nothing is just too much of a handful...
Just the two of them sure isn't perfect but it's enough to build castles in the sky."
I love Drabble ^^ Nowaday it's a bit difficult to find a good drabble or a genuine drabble lol. You did a good job xD So many G-Ri's moments, so much love and thoughts :D Thanks for writing and sharing.
Btw, I'm Sora from grism.net - 1st G-Ri fansite in Viet Nam. We're going to have a big project for leader's B-Day on August. COuld u please give me a permission to translate it into Vietnamese? I'll take it out with full credit and give u the link after I post translated ver ^^. Plz visit us too :D.
I heard of you guys~ You translated one of my fics before. I'm all for the translation of it all. I'll be happy to participate in this project.
I'm glad you liked the drabbles! <3
Umm, so sorry but can u tell me the name of the fic i translated :D if it was Sleepwalker, Ek aka xiaholic, our admin did it, not me ^^. If not, then i'm so so so sorry again.
When I said 'you' translated it, I meant you as in the G-Ri forum members. ^^ Xiaholic in that case did it. Sorry for the confusion.
LOVETHIS so much. I cannot even-
Wanting to write a song about Seungri and Jiyong getting his new haircut <3
off to read the next parts!!
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