Title: Another Candle Closer
Fandom: Big Bang/2NE1
Pairing: Hints BaeJi, kind of.
Genre: Angst?
Rating: PG
Summary: Minji ages another year, get another candle, has another wish to make.
Warnings: Youngbae POV. It's sort of depressing, ngl.
A/N: Written for a 10 minutes prompt challenge. I put it here because I exist.
Inspired from:
Happy birthday to you, Minji~ )
Comments 7
Thanks for writing this, there isn't enough YB/Minji in the world. And I love the story it told, Minji scared of growing up and YB still awkward.
I'm very glad you liked it. I want to try and write them more but it's kind of hard. XD I'll try, though!
I don't ship them but I read it anyway,it was really good.I think Taeyang is the hardest to write about.You did a great job,you didn't caricature him (it's always "Taeyang the angel"in most of the fics)but at the same time you show his gentleness :)
He is really really hard to write because most of the time, he's really awkward or he's staging his behavior. =__= I'm glad you enjoyed it (even if it's not G-Ri. XD)
Wow, this whole fic, but especially this line hit home hard for me.. I'm sorta drifting through this same phase of thought right now, but this sort of relieves me by letting me know I'm not insane for feeling this way
The BaeJi interaction was beautiful and I feel like you got Bae's characterization, awkward but still caring, spot on. Thanks so much for posting, I always enjoy your fics <3
You think so? Youngbae is always so hard to write for me. .__. Thank you very very much. I hope you'll keep reading~ ♥
that was so cute that i smiled tru the whole story . i love this pairing , actually every story with minji in it i like excuse my biasness
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