
Jul 12, 2006 00:49

-Longest relationship:
My current one... the 6th was 9months :-D

-Shortest relationship:
a day haha don't think that really counted

-How many people have you broken up with?
all but one of my boyfriends

-How many times have you truly been in love?
twice, but I got over one. Never thought you could get over love but I guess you can

-How many boyfriends/girlfriends have told you that they love you?

-Have you ever thought that you were going to marry the person you were with?
I've wished I could

-Have you ever loved someone so much that it hurt?

-Have you ever made a boyfriend or girlfriend cry?
I don't know. I doubt it

-Have you ever cried over a boyfriend or girlfriend?

-Are you happier single or in a relationship?
In a relationship.

-Have you ever cheated on a boyfriend or girlfriend?

-Have you ever been cheated on?

-What is your favorite thing about the opposite sex?
eyes, hair, hands, smile, sense of humor not in that order

-What is the best part of being in a relationship?
being comfortable with the person you're with and truly caring for them and heir happiness

-What is the worst part of being in a relationship?
disagreements or misunderstandings

-Worst relationship?
I think we all know that one

-Have you ever had your heart broken?

-Have you ever broken someone's heart?
I don't know. I don't think so

-Do you talk to any of your exes?

-If you could go back in time and change things to where you could still be with one of your exes, would now?
No, I am happier with Josh tht i eve rwas with any of the others

-Do you think any of your exes feel the same way?

-What is your ideal boyfriend or girlfriend?
someone who makes me feel safe and comfortable and who cares for me regardless of m shortcomings

-Do you believe that you are a good boyfriend or girlfriend?
I don't really know. Doubt it. Maybe off and on I am

-Have you dated people who were not good to you?

-Have you been in an abusive relationship?
No, do you think my friends would let someone hit me?

-Name your most memorable ex:
meh dunno

-Have you ever had sex with someone just so that they would stay with you?
Bad reason for sex

-Have you ever had sexual fantasies about one of your exes?

-What is one thing that all of your exes had in common?
male lol

-Say, who is the most attractive ex that you have ever dated?
umm dunno

-Have you ever done anything sexual in front of your parents?

-In the movies?

-Do you regret anything that you have done with a boyfriend or girlfriend ?

-Have you ever cried yourself to sleep over a boyfriend or girlfriend?

-When is the last time that you were in a relationship?
I am now.

-Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?

-Believe in love at first sight?

-Ever dated two people at once?

-What's the perfect date?
Eh I dunno

-Ever been given a promise ring?

-Do you want to get married?
Yes, someday

-Do you have something to say to any of your exes?
hmmm nope

-Ever liked someone else's boyfriend or girlfriend?
not that I can think of atm. I may have but not usually while they were dating them

-Do you believe in true love?

-Does heartbreak really feel as bad as it sounds?

-Do you think that you will find the love of your life?
depends on how you mean that. I don't think love is found I think it is created.

Fifteen Statements
Write fifteen statements, things you've always wanted to tell certain people, but haven't. Don't include who it's meant for.

1. I wish you would just tell me the truth already!

2. It's not worth it.

3. Pssst... talking behind someone's back is RUDE

4. Do you just talk to hear yourself think? I can't get a word in edgewise, and hat's just crazy.

5. I don't like the way you treat your friends

6. Loose lips sink ships. Gossip is bad for the teller.

7. Why do you still pretend to be my friend?

8. Everyone talks behind your back. I think it's horrible, but I' just as bad for not stopping them.

9. I wish I knew why you treated me like that

10. Are you really my friend?

11. Do you talk behind my back too?

12. If I told you my secrets, would you blab them like everyone else's? I wish you knew how much you hurt people doing that.

13. Is is just to make a point?

14. You're just as bad as I am in that regard

15. I know you don't like me.

I Have...

[ ] ridden on a motorcycle.
[x] played a gameboy color.
[x] played a gameboy advance.
[ is mine an sp?] played a gameboy advance SP.
[x] ridden a horse.
[x] played frisbee.
[ ] been to a temple.
[ ] eaten cinnamon graham goldfish.
[] had a xanga account.
[] had a DeviantArt account.
[x] washed my hair in a sink.
[ ] licked a rubber duck.
[x] burned something in the microwave.
[ ] seen a deer in headlights.
[ ] hiked two mountains in the same day.
[x] owned a charm bracelet.
[ ] gone parasailing.
[ ] swung on a rope swing into water.
[ ] used a webcam.
[x] kissed someone younger than me.
[x] kissed someone older than me.
[x] hated and loved the same person.
[] made popcorn without using a microwave.
[] listened to PlayRadioPlay!.
[x- Bobby Armbruster. Boat racer] witnessed a death.
[] had a soda explode in my face.
[x] burned things for fun.
[] been to the emergency room.
[] hooked up with a friend.
[] taken a drive just for the sake of taking a drive.
[] participated in the penis game.
[] asked someone what a hook up is.
[] had a few too many cough drops.
[x] taken three or more medications at the same time.
[] been in a fire.
[ ] made love to a CHEEZ-IT box.
[x- well it;s combination birthdya present but w/e] gotten an expensive graduation present.
[] played spin the bottle or seven minutes in heaven.
[x] had a friend named jeff.
[x] known a bisexual.
[] dialed 911.
[] known a transvestite.
[] witnessed a gay wedding.
[] been a flower girl or ring bearer.
[x] bought mini m&ms.
[] kissed someone of the same sex.
[] been in a band.
[x] told a special someone that you wanted it to last forever.
[x] taken a walk while holding hands.
[] been severely burned.
[] been attacked by bats.
[] fallen off a cliff
[] swam with dolphins
[x] forgotten an important birthday
[] done hard drugs
[] had a roommate
[] and hated him/her
[] danced alone in my room
[x] slow danced with a love
[] had my bags lost in an airport
[] slept with a stuffed animal in the past week
[] dyed my hair more than four times in three months
[x] licked someones face
[ ] sent over 200 texts in one night
[] gone through that horrible simple plan // good charlotte // avril phase
[] been obsessed with photography
[] lived in a dorm
[] trash talked about something and then lost horribly repeatedly
[x] met someone particularly famous
[] won 20 questions
[if you mean just being in a nightshirt or something then yes] gone more than two days without wearing pants or a skirt or whatnot
[x] been really good in one class and failed another
[] stayed up all night in the past week
[x] beaten pokemon red//blue//yellow
[] locked myself in somewhere inescapable while playing hide-and-go-seek
[x] dominated at uno
[] kissed a seal
[] seen fight club
[] played psychobabble
[] eaten a spoonful of glue
[x] loved someone like craziness
[] had a life-threatening injury
[] had a life-threatening disease
[] eaten eel
[] watched over 20 movies in a week
[x-racing accident] seen someone die in an accident
[] forgotten to put on pants
[] listened to music no one will ever know about
[] thought i was ghetto
[] loved an author
[x] hated an author
[] cheated on an other
[x] liked the music my parents listen to
[x] built a birdhouse
[] owned more than five furbies
[] eaten a poisonous plant // flower
[] forgotten your best friends name when introducing them
[] licked a toad
[] taken nude pictures
[] been someones personal slave
[] been made uncomfortable from the last two questions
[x] listened to jazz
[x] been sent a disgusting picture
[] lied on one or more questions

List 10 bands/artists that you like. Do this before looking at the questions.
1. Muse
2. Atomship
3. Panic! At the Disco
4. Evanescence
5. Blink182
6. Rammstein
7. Disturbed
8. System of a down
9. People in Planes
10. Fuel

What was the first song you ever heard by 6?
I don't remember. Maybe spieluhr

What is your favorite album of 8?

What is your favorite lyric that 5 has sung?
the lyrics to "I miss you"

How many times have you seen 4 live?
I've never been to a concert

What's your favorite song of 7?
Forsaken and Darkness

What is a good memory you have considering the music of 10?
*shrug* that music is best when upset

Is there a song of 3 that makes you sad?
Not that I've heard yet

What is your favorite lyric that 2 has sung?
"Because it’s two in the morning and I’m feeling so ugly.
I’ve got this chip on my shoulder, keep my eyes spread wide open.

If you’d let me go.
Then I’d walk myself into the room, yes I will.
Then I’d lay right down and daydream of you, yes I will.
With this soul tell smile I’ll blow a kiss to you, yes I will.
Then I’d lay right down and daydream of you.

It seems the sun is still sleeping and I’m feeling so lonely.
There’s a girl in my bedroom but don’t you worry she’s not breathing.

If you’d let me go.
Then I’d walk myself into the room, yes I will.
Then I’d lay right down and daydream of you, yes I will.
With this soul tell smile I’ll blow a kiss to you, yes I will.
Then I’d lay right down and daydream of you.

And though your soul’s been withered and wisped away.
My grey matter brings me home.
And though your soul’s been withered and wisped away.
Your grey matter brings you home.

If you’d let me go.
Then I’d walk myself into the room, yes I will.
Then I’d lay right down and daydream of you, yes I will.
With this soul tell smile I’ll blow a kiss to you, yes I will.
Then I’d lay right down and daydream of you.

Because it’s two in the morning and my eyes are spread wide open."

What is your favorite song by 9?
I cna't remember the name >.<

How did you get into 3?
Music video on MTV

What was the first song you heard by 1?
Time is running out

What is your favorite song by 4?
I have a lot of them

How many times have you seen 9 live?
Never been to a concert

What is a good memory you have concerning 2?

Is there a song of 8 that makes you sad?

What is your favorite album of 5?
the self titled one

What is your favorite lyric that 3 has sung?
"Well, she's not bleeding on the ballroom floor
Just for the attention.
Cause that's just odd."


Talk to the mirror, choke back tears.
And keep telling yourself that "I'm a diva!"
Oh and the smokes in that cigarette box on the table,
they just so happen to be laced with nitroglycerin."

What is your favorite song of 1?
Oh gosh I dunno

Guy vs. Girl
[] you own a jersey
[] you like being sweaty
[] you love mud
[x] you've played at least one sport on a team
[x] you've played more than 1 sport for fun
[ ] you hate pink
[x-not hoodies but jeans] you love hoodies and jeans
[] pranks are fun
[x] dogs are better than cats
[] its funny when people get hurt
Total = 3

[x] shopping is torture
[] pulling heads off dolls isn't creepy
[] you don't cry
[]  sad movies suck
[x] girl drama is stupid
[] painting your nails is weird/stupid
[x] you own a ps2
[x] you own an xbox
[] you own a gamecube
[] at some point in time you wanted to be a firefighter
[  you own a psp
Total = 4

[x] you used to be obsessed with power rangers
[] you watch sports center
[] sports on tv are awesome
[] gory movies are the best!
[] you aren't scared of anything
[] you take part in "male bonding"
[] you only go to your dad for advice
[] you own like a trillion baseball caps
[] you aren't sensitive
[] no pain no gain
Total = 1

[x-school games] you like going to football games
[x] night games rock
[] spiders and bugs are cool
[] you like to freak out your sister or brother
[] you used to or do collect baseball cards
[] baggy pants are cool
[ ] you get sports illustrated/other sports/ guy magazine
[x] fire is cool
[] you don't babysit
[x] you're immature
Total = 4

[ ] its kinda weird to have sleepovers with a bunch of people
[x] green black red blue or silver are your favorite color(s)
[] romantic comedies are boring
[] you hate dressing up
[] you don't care about your hair
[x] you love to go crazy and not care what people think
[] climbing is fun
[x] contact sports like football are fun
Total= 3

Now add the numbers up x2

[x] you wear lip gloss.
[x-when forced] you shop
[x] you wear eyeliner
[x] you buy different colored shirts
[] you wear halters and tube tops
total: 4

[x] you like shopping at hot topic
[x] you wear the color pink
[] you consider cheerleading a sport
[] you hate wearing the color black
[] you love hanging at the mall
total: 2

[] you like getting manicures and pedicures
[x] you like wearing jewelry
[x] including the kilt, skirts are a part of your wardrobe
[] you take a long time doing your hair
[] shopping is one of your favorite hobbies
total: 2

[] you hate the movie star wars
[] you cry in movies
[x-ballet long ago] you are/were in cheerleading, gymnastics, or dance
[] it takes you more than 1/2 hour to get dressed and put on other accessories
[] you smile a lot more than u should
total: 1

Add them up, multiply them by 5
= 30% guy, 45% girl
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