Nov 17 2010: NaNoIntoTheNight on AIM
November 21 2010: NOWD '10
I participated in All Year Sprints's Online Night of Writing Dangerously Chatroom!
Willy Nilly Land [Sprint Room 3] Won the Joust Tournament
I participated in the Enchantment Sprint
"I just wish there was some sort of magic enchantment..."
I participated in the Blood, Sweat, and Tears Sprint
"...I put my life into law because it was the only thing that made sense and all this blood, sweat and tears all my hard work is being thrown to s*** just because they want me to be safe and sane? I knew getting into this field that it was going to stress me the h*** out, but I liked it because there is also a structure to it and it just feels good when I can find out hte truth. Just like throwing all my energy into dancing makes me feel good. I just want to survive this. That is all I want okay? I do not understand why denying me the things that make me happy even helps anything..."