OOC: Relationships

Feb 21, 2010 07:16

Brief note: Rhode's views on people may or may not be what you expect from how she interacts with them. Obviously some people fit into more than one category, but they've been slotted in the most suitable one.

Family - Family is family. To be protected at all costs, and the only people she truly both trusts and relies on. Touch her family and if she does not seriously like you, you're probably dead. Even if she likes you she can't easily forgive messing with these people.

Tyki MikkTyki! &hearts She loves him, of course. But the interesting, and distressing thing about this Tyki is WHEN he is from. Much like the first Lavi she met here, Tyki is from the past. So long in the past, in fact, that he hasn't even been given assignments by the Earl. Rhode worries about his safety, since she knows the Exorcists in AD currently are strong enough to hurt Tyki at his current level. She's warned him to stay away from them, but she knows he probably won't listen. Her family is so troublesome.

Important - Not quite family, but not entirely playthings. She trusts them, or loves them or maybe she's just irrationally fond of them without trusting or loving them. They aren't as important as family, but they're above everyone else.

Envy/Lee WolfgangThey met at the Yule Ball and hit it off immediately. She knows he's a shape shifter and liked him enough to tell him she's not what she seems. He danced with her--earning him total bonus points. They haven't had much chance to interact since then but he claimed the Elric brothers and she promised to let him see her work some time. He also promised her cake when she wanted sweets, more bonus points. She's naturally inclined to like him, since his views on people match hers very closely for the most part. She thinks his fetus form is kind of adorable and wants to keep him as a pet some time. He pampers her and treats her like some kind of crazy little sister. He was also the first person in AD to ever know even a bit of the extent of her powers or true motives.

Note: No longer in the city.

Allen WalkerTOTALLY HER CRUSH OKAY. The thing about Allen is, she loves him. Maybe. When he arrived in AD he agreed to a truce with her, not to reveal her nature in return for her own peaveful conduct towards others. They kept the agreement for a while,living together like some strange sitcom, until she got bored and broke it. When he revealed her true colors to the populace and moved out, she retaliated. But she still loves him. In her twisted way. Until Merlin and Tyki arrived he was the only person she felt truly safe around.

MerlinAt first he was just an idle amusement, someone to pass the time. But very quickly Merlin proved he was made of the same kind of heroic stuff as Allen Walker. Complete with a fair bit of derp. When he rescued Rhode from Albedo and Hitsugaya, knowing full well Rhode's nature he cemented himself as someone she genuinely trusts and feels safe around. She likes him as much as she likes Allen.

Interesting - Not quite friends, maybe something else entirely, they aren't playthings, but they aren't really trusted either.

Akira InugamiA werewolf! Interesting just because he's not human, Rhode hasn't decided whether she cares for him--on the one hand he's far too forgiving and defensive of humans for someone who should know how despicable they are. On the other, he does treat her like a sister and he's young. She's giving him leeway to figure out that humans aren't worth his time or concern, and in the meantime she'll cautiously enjoy his company.

Carmen SandiegoAnother she met at the ball, Carmen is a refined and intelligent women of interest. Since they both recieved sparkle invitations, Rhode's interested in what the woman is up to. Carmen invited her to "play a game" with anyone as a chaos agent in the Kyuubi plot, an invitation which amused her, but annoyed her as well. She prefers to play on her own terms, Carmen~

Note: No longer in the city.

The AnimusNPCS? IN MY CR? Why yes. Rhode sympathizes with you dear Animus. She knows how much it sucks to have noisy lesser beings infesting the place and making a mess and bitching and being filthy creatures that you just don't want around. She also knows that she probably counts as a lesser being to the Animus, but of all the beings in Astringendum the Animus are the ones that have her interest the most, and what passes for her compassion, if she had any. Of course if she could use them she would, but she figures she mostly just wants to talk to them, for the time being. She absolutely expects nothing back for her overtures, but she'll make them anyway, because the Animus interest her.

Playthings - She likes them. They're fun to dick around with.

LaviOh my god Lavi she loves you. You are the best present EVER. Not only do you not even remember her fucking with you on the Ark, you don't even have a clue who she is. This is clearly a sign she should become your BFF and rip you slowly apart from the inside a second time. Revenge for incinerating her, babe, but it'll be fun. She's enjoying Lavi's presence immensely, needless to say. She seriously wants to destroy his Innocence to see if THAT comes back in this place too. It'd be even better if there were another Exorcist around--she could test if it's the Heart!

Note: He owes her pirate stories. No longer in the city.

LaviLavi's back! This time he seems to know who she is, and remembers their little fun on the Ark. This is more like it. She harasses him for the fun and hell of it--also, he screams like a girl.

Lenalee LeeDolly! She is both angry that Lenalee and Lavi arrived and amused. They "took" Allen from her (not really but she twists things how she likes) but then they are Exorcists to play with! She has such plans for Lenalee. Such plans~

Mitarashi AnkoMet Anko at the Yule ball, didn't really think much of her beyond thinking she was very pretty. However when she was presented with the opportunity to fuck with the shinobi's mind, she did, and then killed her. What she learned fascinated her, and she has now taken a personal interest in seeing how her handiwork in Anko's fragile and unstable mind will turn out. Not to mention this will be the first person she's not only killed, but gotten to see return, in Adstringendum. Exciting! You're a fun doll Anko, she'd play with you any time~

Hatake KakashiCR GOES HERE

Uchiha SasukeCR GOES HERE

Uchiha SasukePer~vert~ ♥


Alphonse ElricCR GOES HERE


Ciel PhantomhiveShe greeted him when he arrived, and even brought him warm clothes. He promised her candy in exchange, but would only tell her to call him Earl. They met again at the library and she got his name from him, and learned some of his taste in literature. Later, when she posted about Anko's death, he and Sebastian showed up and he attempted to comfort her. She knows he doesn't like touch, and will therefor invade his personal space as much as possible. She finds him interesting and a brat, but kind of likes him anyway, as a plaything. If nothing else he's more intelligent than other nobles she knows.

Note: You still owe me candy, bitch.

Neutral/Other - Maybe she respects them, maybe she hasn't decided what she thinks about them. They're a step up from trash anyway.

JarlaxleThey've only talked and met once so far but she finds him interesting, so far. She wants to learn more about his world and dragons and magic and things. He doesn't look human, that's a plus to him. He's polite, another plus. Also she likes his style but she really thinks he should be a pirate from the way he dresses.


Unohana RetsuCR GOES HERE


Uninteresting - Boring for one reason or another, or just plain tedious to be around.

None yet.

Should go die in a fire - Honestly this would be like, everyone. Every human at least, who doesn't prove to be more interesting. People who fuck with her family probably also fall under this, but it's usually reserved for weaklings and trash as she sees them.

Everyone else. Er, unless I forgot to list them in one of the other categories.

Will fill out the rest later. Comment if I missed you. *spams your flists*


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