Pispam! Yay!

Jun 17, 2006 18:57


I haven't done these in a long time and since I'm bored and it's too hot to do anything more constructive I give you a picspam :D
No it's not the tongue one... Like I said Gale's oral fetish is a nightmare to cap but probably total pleasure to experience LMAO
Anyway I've mentionned once doing the songish picspam for QaF only. And tadam! Here it is ( Read more... )


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Comments 59

randysgirl_645 June 17 2006, 19:11:31 UTC
wow you just made my whole weekend! I love them all.


dresden_doll_01 June 17 2006, 19:20:23 UTC
Awww thanks hon! Enjoy hehe


randysgirl_645 June 17 2006, 19:22:13 UTC
no problem. mind if I take a few.


dresden_doll_01 June 17 2006, 19:29:41 UTC
Oh no not at all. Just please don't hotlink :)


hai_di June 17 2006, 19:37:29 UTC
Oh wow - love that picspam!! Thanks a lot! :-)


dresden_doll_01 June 17 2006, 20:06:38 UTC
No problem! I'm glad you enjoyed :D


jessica20121984 June 17 2006, 19:39:56 UTC
you made my day...nope make that my week.

It's so prettttyyyyyyy erm sorry my fangirl side took over for a second.

Do you have "sexy boys", "no more good guys" "ready to go" and"love I don"t have to love" pretty please with naked Gale on top?


dresden_doll_01 June 17 2006, 20:08:32 UTC
Duh of course I have them :D Just gimme few minutes to find them and up for you...

Hehe BTW the 203 scene was all for you hon *hugs*


jessica20121984 June 17 2006, 20:09:58 UTC
*waits patiently*

awwwwwwww thank you, that makes me smile like an idiot but I don't care lol



dresden_doll_01 June 17 2006, 20:13:59 UTC
LOL I think we're both way past caring about smiling like idiots at this point of friendship ;)


penguin_dodger June 17 2006, 19:40:35 UTC

God, they're so beautiful together. And I love the songs, my qaf music folder is never neglected. :P although i don't have 'the shining' :3 Heh, i don't know why but listening to Forever Young almost always makes me cry rofl. *is all nostalgic for s1*


dresden_doll_01 June 17 2006, 20:09:27 UTC
Gimme few minutes and I'll give you The Shining ;)


(The comment has been removed)

dresden_doll_01 June 17 2006, 20:10:36 UTC
Of course I can help. Just gimme a few minutes :D

Hehe I just had to use my "bunny" icon to match yours LOL


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