J/A S4 Premiere Picspam. Hour 2.

Sep 06, 2008 21:38

Because some masochists wanted to see Part Two of the J/A picspam. Evil, evil people. I had to re-watch that shit to do this.

Previously on Days of Our Bones

Days of Our Bones © jordle
screencaps courtesy of phoenixothon

Yay, the wedding’s back on!!! The evil husband turned into not-so-evil ex-husband and the shippers rejoice. Which in TV land means the shit will hit the fan very soon. Because married couples on TV are a no-no. Because they’re useless, drama-free and boring. Right?

So the lab team is giddy with excitement. Except for Clark who wonders when the fuck did he sign for an episode of Grey’s Anatomy.

Birimwhatever needs a ride to the airport and Cam is all “Me! Me! I’ll ride you to the airport! Me! Pick me!”. People, that’s what sexual frustration does to you. And poor Cam sure wants to get laid because she hasn’t had any since that time she was getting it on with Booth and 90% of the fandom wanted her dead.

Jack and Angela are back to their usual business of discussing wedding plans over rotting corpses and Clark is back to his usual business of wondering what the fuck is this place. The level of soapiness is still low by the show’s latest standards which is why Cam is back. She feels guilty for helping Birimwhatever to get off at the airport. See, this is episode 2 which means it’s already after 9 p.m. therefor they can make such joke.

Obviously Cam is consumed by her guilt. One would think that sleeping with your friend’s freshly divorced god-like husband ain’t a good idea. But hey, she was horny and his flight was delayed so it’s perfectly understandable. Still, thank gods for amazing advice by our resident genius psychologist/consultant/profiler/mediator/therapist. Gods know if there’s anyone who should give advices, it’s someone of his position. And the mental health professionals all over the world weep. But whatever, he was a good boy and he got his reward. He gets to touch a brain of some poor victim. Without gloves. Cam is clearly not as protocol obsessed as Brennan.

Meanwhile Jack and Angela are basking in their happiness which as we know, is a dangerous thing on TV. Brennan is happily updated and we’re suddenly reminded that once upon a time Angela and her were bffs and confidants and had scenes together. But that was in those ancient times when Angela was still wearing a standardized lab coat and Brennan was actually working in the lab.

So Cam tries the whole honesty approach and tells Angela the truth. Because she's super friends with Angela, didn't you know? They did have that bonding scene in S2... no wait, that one was cut out. Anyway, Angela's all "I don't care. Me caring? Nah, I don't care. See, this is Jack, my fiancé and I love him forever and ever and I don't care. And did I mention how much I don't care? Because I don't. Care."
And the spoiled viewers go "Fuck. It started.", while the still innocent ones just scratch their heads and go "Huh?".

Cam is relived and Sweets is happy his advice worked, because if he'd have a girlfriend, he could tell her about it in order to get laid.
Except that there's suddenly tension. And Angela actually cared. So she's mad at Cam for sleeping with Birimwhatever and Jack is mad at Cam ... because Angela is? I'm not entirely sure how that works out in terms of logic, but I suddenly have flashbacks of that one time when I was ten and a friend was mean to our mutual friend and I was mad at her by solidarity. Apparently this reasoning works perfectly well for highly intelligent men in their 30s, too.

So Sweets organizes a little mediation because we all know how well it works out when he's helping. And Cam is sorry for sleeping with Birimwhatever, Angela is sorry for being mad at her and Jack is sorry for ... being mad because Angela is mad? (One day I'm sure it'll start making sense) And the whole scene gives me another flashback to that one time in kindergarten when I was fighting over a toy and the other kid fucking bit my arm so I pour sand all over his head and they called our parents and forced us to apologize. Good times, you know.

And then Jack and Angela are having breakfast and suddenly decide to successfully break world's record on the lamest break-up on TV ever. So they go all "You don't trust me. / No, you don't trust me. / Clearly there's nothing else to do than break-up." Because they're still in high school and a word such as communication isn't part of their vocabulary. And yours truly, even though spoiled as hell, is too baffled by the lameness of the writing to do anything else than focus on prettiness of TJ's eyes. Which is how I plan on watching this show now, BTW.

The episode ends and the viewers are all:

And now I'm waiting to see how much damage the writers can do to these 2 individually. Because fuck the positive approach to life, I have no faith left in them.
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