Well, What About Bob?

Jan 23, 2009 08:58

Rated G
No warnings or pairings
Characters: Bob
Words: 374
Prompt: New and Old
Verse: TV
Spoilers: What About Bob

Rated G, no pairings or warnings

Well, What About Bob?
This is what you don’t know.

It’s true; he had wanted to be alive again more than almost anything else. There were a few things he would have taken first: Winifred was one. True death was another. After a while, when you’ve existed that long, the only thing you truly crave is an end.

But life wouldn’t have been a bad start. Alive again, he could touch things, change the world more directly, seek revenge on those who had so mercilessly punish him. Alive again, he could feel things - pain, pleasure. He could eat again, sleep again, walk wherever he chose.

If he were alive again, the first thing he would do was explore the world, and not visit a single old enchanter’s home, not glance upon a single human skull.

When Morningway’s dopplegänger offered him life again, he didn’t realize the full implications, not until that old, too-familiar arrow had struck his heart. And then he remembered:

Once cursed, always cursed.

He could live, sure enough; he could travel the world and grow old and die . . . only to be once more chained to his skull without hope of life.
And he would exist for all eternity . . . again. Only, this time, he would be an old man. And this time, he would be able to remember what it had been like to be alive, would have felt the bonds of his slavery oh-so-much more.

And so when the dopplegänger explained his plan, he knew what he had to do.

He did not change clothes. He did not touch anything. He did not explore.

He couldn’t resist a little magic - just a little - just to feel it again - but he could excuse that; he had to knock Harry out.
And when the time came, he died as quickly and painfully as he could, hoping that the yearning wouldn’t be as strong if it were quick, hoping the remembered pain would stop it.

It was still worse. Far worse. But this time, he still had hope.

Someday, someone would bring him alive again. This time, though, he’d be prepared. This time, he would have studied how to break the curse, end his existence permanently upon his death.

He did not tell Harry.
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