not that this matters any, but I'm disgusted. I am disgusted with my country, but also myself. I am not happy with my countrys war effort, that's not a secret. But I am upset with myself for not taking a voice in this conflict. I am grateful for those that are willing to defend my freedom when it is in jeapordy, but I am also grateful to those in the world that are protesting this war. Maybe I am a victim of a liberal media, or too much liberal myself but all I see images of are people in protest of a war with Iraq. People from many other countries are attempting to send a message against war, and are met with viloence. These protests are taking place in countries that are not at war, but fear the United States.
I think that this is possibly the best country to live in because of our freedoms and level of affluence, however I am ashamed at how those elected have chosen to represent this Nation.
We were not meant to occupy Iraq, merely "liberate" it. However did anyone notice the Marines raising an American flag in our first city of occupation? Did anyone hear Rumsfield today? Those fires, that rubble, the mushroom clouds that hung in the sky, Rumsy says isn't the war. What we are seeing on television and the internet on hearing on the radio is not the war in Iraq, but a slice of it. While I agree with his statement to a point I cannot but feel that this is simply a "nothing to see here, move it along, move it along." position to take.
He is right of course, there is more to the war than the images and commentary broadcast to us real time. There is more to it than the destruction of thier country. But I don't think the American People know what that is. I don't know what that is? I have not heard an argument advocating the Iraq conflict yet that makes sense. I know that we are over there for reasons other than "just because", but what are they?
If weapons of mass destruction were such a problem, why aren't we after other countries as well? Why aren't we after ourselves?
It's a cruel dictatorship. He's commited atrocities against his own people. We can't have a cruel dictatorship in the Middle East, but we can all over Asia.
I'm tired