2x5obsessions. Prompt: 'lowered lashes'.
Ginny never flirts with boys. She grew up with six brothers, and learned how to fight to be heard instead of how to be quiet, to look at people straight-on and confidently instead of demurely from under lowered eyelashes, to play Quidditch instead of the infinitely more complicated games that other girls play.
She has no idea how to be seductive in any way that is other than straightforward, and she asks Michael and then Dean out in the same way that Fred and George ask out girls. No room for angst and agonising; it’s clear-cut and simple. When she wants to break up with them it is quick and painless; she tells them right away instead of designing an elaborate scheme to get them to break up with her, or to act in some way that would provide her with an easy way out.
Ginny never flirts with girls, either, which is why, when it’s all over, she reaches out for Hermione’s hand and takes it. No carefully calculated licking of her lips or playing with her hair, just a hand in her own and a smile on her face and the knowledge that it’s possible to win even without playing by the rules.