(no subject)

Mar 25, 2004 18:09

when i take my watch off they say "who cut the lights out?"

Birthplace. nederland, tx
Age. 18
Age you act. 5-80... it just depends.
Current location. i'm from houston i'm gonna rep my city nigga
Eye color. green
Hair color. brownish or something?
Right, lefty or ambidextrous? right
Zodiac sign? gemini
Height? 5'5"

d e s c r i p t i o n

Your heritage: i'm 1/4 italien. that's all I care about.
Your hair. short... i'm about to cut it later today too!
Your fears. you name it I've thought it.
Your perfect room. comfie bed. awesome computer. record player. bongs!
What you practically do in a day. work. hangout. shows. eat. sleep. masturbate. get high. my life isn't that bad actually. hahaha

w h a t i s / a r e

Words you overuse. damn, fuck, give
Phrases you overuse. "i don't give a fuck"
Your first thought when you wake up. "damn I don't want to go to work"
Your greatest accomplishment. I don't have one.
Something you want to do. everything!

t h i s o r t h a t

Pepsi or Coke. pepsi
McDonald's or Burger Kings. mcdonalds
Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera. Christina Aguilera
Chocolate or vanilla. vanilla
Adidas or Nike. adidas
Black or white. black
Bills or Coins. bills
Burgers or hot dogs. burgers
Egypt or France. france
Rock or rap. rap

d o y o u

Smoke. no

Cuss. yes

Sing well. fuck yes

Sing in the shower. haha. yes. i usually have music playing.

Talk to yourself a lot. oh yeah

Believe in yourself. yeah... in a way

Like taking these longass surveys? I do

Play an instrument. trombone

Want to go to college? maybe

Want to get married? maybe

Want to have children? maybe

Think you're a health freak? fuck no

Get along with your parents. yeah

Get along with your siblings? yep

Think you're popular. nope

i n t h e p a s t m o n t h h a v e y o u

Gone out of state.not in the past month

Drank alchohal. today... although I could count on one hand the times I've been drunk this year.

Smoke. i think maybe I took a drag or two? then remembered why I don't. ick.

Get high. today

Done any drugs. i don't do drugs. I just smoke weed

Eaten an entire box of oreos. nope. but i eat a lot of them

Been on stage. yes

Gone skinny dipping. i wish

Been dumped. nope

Dyed your hair. no

Stolen anything. i ate a snickers ina grocery store and didn't pay.

y o u r f r i e n d s

Craziest. FUCK THIS
Most shy.
Best personality.
Most talented.
Best singer.
Most ghetto.
Drama Queen.
Pain in the ass.
Best person.
Most likely to end up in jail.

t h e l a s t

Last dream. i don't really think I dream much.

Last nightmare. nope

Car ride. to the bank

Last time you cried. when I was drunk in november.

Last movie seen. dumb and dumber

Last movie rented. tombstone

Last book read. it's been a while :-(

Last word said. houston niggassss

Last curse word said. fuck

Last time you laugh. im' pretty sure I laughed today at work. i'm sure it was at myself. everyone else is worthless.

Last phone call? justin

Last CD played. alkaline trio

Last song you listened to. eminem - "i love you more"

Last annoyance. being too lazy to cut my hair.

Last IM. parrot

Last weird encounter. me? I don't even know. for others? whenever I talked to them.

Last person you hugged. i don't remember. i don't care.

Last person you yelled at. someone at work that fucked something up I had to fix. i hate that shit.

Last time you wore a skirt. um. when I lived with my mom. she was measuring shit for ebay. and i put one on because it was funny.

Last time you've been evil. fuck that noise.

Sarcastic? every other word out of my mouth

Last time you fought with your parents. i dont' give a fuck.

Last time you wished upon a star. never

Played Truth or Dare. never... i lie

r a n d o m n e s s

Are you talking to someone on AIM. parrot
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