Oh man, Matthew and I were all over this today like white on rice! Can I just say, I flipped my shit when I saw Bruce Boxlietner! It thrills my nerdy heart that he's in this movie!
My only disappointment is that the computerverse doesn't look as beautiful as the original. I know it was a painstaking animated process with several layers, which I'm sure would be cost-prohibitive today, but I wished they'd try to match it just a bit more (yeah, I know, 'upgrades').
Comments 1
My only disappointment is that the computerverse doesn't look as beautiful as the original. I know it was a painstaking animated process with several layers, which I'm sure would be cost-prohibitive today, but I wished they'd try to match it just a bit more (yeah, I know, 'upgrades').
But still, sooo excited for this!
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