Insta-Boner... brought to you by your Nymphomanical ex-girlfriend.

Oct 07, 2007 21:22

I just got a text from N. "I want you to suck my cunt from behind as I get on my knees and stick my ass in the air." Ah, she remembers. How nice of her. 

n, sms, text messaging, cunt, ex-girlfriend

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Comments 5

bhanfhlaith October 7 2007, 17:07:02 UTC
Ah. Pr0n at .10 cents a pop. Modern life.


anonymous October 8 2007, 16:16:46 UTC
I don't suppose I could offer a text instead, to take your mind off that one?
No? Yeah, I thought not. But hopefully you'll at least appreciate the thought behind my offer.
Btw, nice new layout.
~ evalyn


drfrisky October 8 2007, 16:30:04 UTC
Please make any offer, any which way you like :) As for making it a text offer, that'd be one long-distance offer. And yes, I do appreciate the thought. Thanks, just trying something more... up beat?


anonymous October 8 2007, 18:56:28 UTC
Hmmmm, any offer? Any offer at all? Even one that involves activities like those in the photos I shared with you this past weekend?

I shall have to ponder this carefully. Pardon me while I do so. ;)

~ evalyn


drfrisky October 9 2007, 13:58:28 UTC
Ponder away :)


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