Title: Benfday: Part 2 - A BTSB Story
Author: Dri
Fandom: Glee
Pairing: Puck/Kurt, past Sam/Kurt
Rating: a light R
Word Count: ~1430 words
Genre: AU, Future Fic, mentions of past mpreg
Summary: Because it’s a new benfday, and the past should remain in the past where it doesn’t hurt… too much.
Disclaimer: They are so not mine, but I gotta keep Ben
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Comments 20
Once again late for the party, but still so much in love with your kind feedback. Thank you so, so much!
I so totally agree with you. It's really a pit our boys are still to find out how strong they make each other. The Hudmell clan + Mercedes will be there to watch over them next. And Ben, oh Ben :) I had this image of my nephew crying when he was about Ben's age and I just had to use it here. Once again I'm glad it worked and I haven't ruined our Little Ben ;)
Thanks again for your amazing support, De - that's shorts for Denise here in Brazil ;)
Ben é tão fofo. *.*
Adorei. Até mais...
Desculpa o atraso novamente, mas você sabe como é fim de semestre aqui en Terra Brazilis. Prometo que serei mais assidua com o recesso!
Só os nossos fofos não sabiam que eles precisavam conversar! Concordo plenamente com você, mas o clã Hudmell vai poder explicar de forma mais adequada porque esses dois são tão sem-noção... Paciência, miga (é amiga, né?:)
E concordo com você: mesmo aprontando o nosso Ben é o máximo!
Bjs e te vejo na próxima atualização!
Até.. Bjs
Bjs então, miga!
Thanks for your amazing support!
No probs, Thanks for this amazing story :)
It's my way of trying to make their story sound real, you know? I believe that by dosing humor, angst and romance the riks of vilanizing one of them will be less likely to happen. As usual, I'm glad your kind words let me know it hasn't happened yet. So once again my heartfelt *thank you*!
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