I posted this on another website. And I'm posting it here because MAYBE, maybe, the people, that the content of this rant applies to might get a clue.
WARNING: Long rant, not so creative vocab this time (because I'm just not assed) and overall dragon-ladybness
I've come to the conclusion that people are just really fucking bored with their lives or just have some spring cleaning to do with their priorities. Or some are just pubescent little, disillusioned idiots.
Because last time I checked, otps are just pairings that you favor. You love, support and agree with the chemistry of one particular idol member with another.
Last time I checked, these pairing weren't fucking SET IN STONE and nowhere NEAR official. No matter how many fan clubs or how much "proof" there is out there, there is NO REAL WAY of saying that the pairings are real. I'm sorry, there just isn't, unless the pairing comes out and says they are offcial (which I highly DOUBT would happen considering their Korean and their
careers will be at stake-besides that it might turn out to be some sort of hoax or fan service anyway.)
I ship Jongyu to fucking death. And yeah, if I were faced with a Jongyu and a 2Min story without any kind of summary or rating, I'd gravitate more towards the Jongyu simply because I ship them hardcore.
I am so SICK and TIRED of REALLY PHEMONENAL stories being overlooked simply because of the pairing, or mention of a secondary pariing that so-n-so doesn't ship. I admit, I don't particularly like Jongkey or 2Min (simply because its overrrated and a lot of the shippers are so fucking adament about them being real) and yeah, I try to avoid a lot of it because the authors of such parings really aren't all that great. (Most of them)
That said, if someone recs me a Jongkey or 2Min and insist that its really good, I won't hesitate to check it out. Because above ALL ELSE, including pairings and genres, if the story is REALLY FUCKING AWESOME. I WILL READ. I won't bitch and moan about the pairing not being my otp, nor will I comment and say some bullshit like "I loved this, though minkey isn't my otp and I kinda sat straightfaced through those parts/skipped those parts. But I was really interested in how it would turn out, so I kept reading." Yeah, I just recently read a comemtn like that and it pissed me off so much, I wanted to strangle the stupidity out of that retard.
I mean, don't get me wong. I get that people are naturally going to want to read fics that star their otp(s); moreso than other otps. I understand that. But for you to base your judgment on whether or not you're going to read a fics JUST by the pairing? Thats so fucking petty and stupid to me. And referring to that idiot commenter: For you to read a fic and them comment with praise but COMPLAIN about a pairing in the it you don't ship and just for the fact that it EXISTED in the fic- is FUCKING WORSE.
When I read fan fics, I judge them for quality, committment, creativity, grammar, etc. Those things determine whether I can read the whole thing or not. And if my expectations are met, if that story is a full recipe of what I'd like to read, then I will read it. PAIRINGS are like, at the bottom of the list. As long as the story is engaging and unique, fuck a pairing. I don't care if it stars Barney and Captain Planet-if its good, I'm hooked. The only excception is if I was SPECIFICALLY in the mood for, say, Ontae, and saought it out. THEN pairing would be a factor.
Like, I don't see the big deal. Is it all that upsetting and frownworthy to read a fic that doesn't star/contain your otp? So you don't give the fic a chance if your otp isn't featured? Its the end of the fucking world? Will the story just NOT be worth your time if you wanted Jongkey, but instead got an equally brilliantly developed, heartwarming Onkey instead? WHY IS IT SO IMPORTANT? WHY IS IT SO STICK-UP-THE-ASS INDUCING? ARE WE FIVE? DO THE OTHER PAIRINGS HAVE ICKY ICKY COOTIES?
Give me a fucking break.
Fan fics should be read-FIRST AND FOREMOST-for pleasure. You read fan fics because to you, the story is good. You read it because you like the plot and the progeressionand the characterizations and the themes....etc. If you sit around saying "ew, Jongho." then you might miss out what could potentially be, your favorite story of all time. Keep an open mind, stop being so childish. its a waste of time. Dwelling on the pairings before anything else really exploits your age-or more importantly, your mental age. And its utterly SAD that there are grown ass women on this site who act like this-more despicable than the young ones. The fact that fanwars and heated debates and bashing and all that EXISTS is so fucking ignorant, I can't. I mean, defending pairings to the death...that don't, for a proven 100% fact, don't exist. Then for fanbases to be caterorized/familiarized by demeanor and intellect? Um, how the fuck is this possible? How did it get to this point? HOW can you affiliate a group of people who like a certain group/idol by their opinions and attitudes? Example: "Oh I don't talk to ELFS because their too bitchy." Oh, so all ELFS are gererally bitchy? Thanks, glad to know.
GTFO of here and take a well juvenating nap. Maybe your will develop a new set of brain cells that brand you as a rational human being.
I can't. And maybe this is all the norm, this might just be a kpop thing and I'm trippin. Cause I've never heard of any fuckery like this over here in the States. We have our fandom issues too, but um...this is some next type shit. I can't fathom the horror stories Ive read too, about fans humiliating/trying to hurt idols out of unidentifiable hate. But thats another rant for another time. (Bitches tried to posion my U-Know. Dria definitely isn't pleased. Dria...would fucking snap on all those ho's. (And by snap, I mean SNAP THEIR FUCKING EVERYTHINGS.)
But yeah. Back to the point. Honestly, there isn't a legitimate reason to HATE or DISLIKE a pairing. I understand if you don't care for the pairing, or don't like it as much as another. But to say hate? Hate is a strong word, folks. Its not like the pairing has done something to you personally. Its not like they've done anything SO SCANDALOUS that they deserved to be hated. If THATS the case, MOST people would say they hate the pairing-if they did something THAT bad (and most likely, they will be reprimanded for what they've done. or even lose their jobs. Case in point (even though its a group, not a pairing): Block B. THOUGH EVEN IN THAT CASE THEY STILL DIDN'T DESERVE ALL THE SICKENING HATE THEY RECEIVED .) And besides, as hate IS NOT the opposite of love (they both mean exerting extreme passionate feelings toward something/someone) you're still investing energy in this pairing that you don't ship; even JUST by putting it out there that you don't like them-and continously doing so on comments and SmackDown fan arguements.
And even so for the people who are indifferent towards the pairing (the real oppostie of love, btw.) Don't like, openly ( I mean verbally-like, if you're typing a comment) disregard them on a fan fic. As I've had first hand experience with this kind of foolishness, it really is frustrating to see that becuase someone didn't like a pairing to begin with-a paring you spent so much time and effort to develop- they and their place in the story weren't spared a second glance. That they weren't valuable. It hurts, and indeed takes a stab at your confidence in writing. Makes you question if including the pairing in this story was a good idea after all (even though you spent weeks going over the story in your head and it was finalized what everything would be once you sat to write it smh) and if for now on, you should just bend to to the will and wishes of the readers-which is a BIG ASS NO-NO. Because you write for YOU FIRST. If people don't like it, they can take a hike. They will get satisfaction from elsewhere, if its possible. I'm not one of these types of authors, but oh boy, does it work on my nerves to watch that shit unfold. Suggestions and askances of little favors are okay, because maybe the author wants more flavor he/she can't provide. BUT AS LONG AS ITS DONE IN MODERATION AND THE READERS ARENT TRYING TO TURN THE STORY INTO A FIC ALL THEIR OWN.
So for the numbskulls with the 100ft dicks up their asses about pairing preference: Even if you didn't get/heed anything out of what I said, just keep in mind that you should keep your unecessarrily biased, irrelevant and inapproriate opinions to yourself when commenting on other's fan fics. No hardworking author wants to see negativity about a pairing you don't like, and it makes you look wishy washy as HELL when you praise and persecute a story all at the same time
Or as a matter of fact, don't read at ALL if you know you won't be able to contain your bullshit.
Honesty is always appreciated, because critisizm helps us grow as writers, among other things. But there are just some things you don't say, I don't care HOW "polite" or "tactful" you feel your words are.
So to sum everything up:
Just enjoy the damn story, and keep the negativity to yourselves.
And try to keep an open mind.
You'll be surpised at what you end up liking.
Pairings aren't everything. Treating them as black sheeps when you see them in fics and such is also juvenile on so many levels.
Let's try to keep as much conflict and frustration out of the fan fic world as we can, shall we? After all this is a safe haven, a second home for a lot of folk. There is enough drama in the real world....
/waddles away red-faced