Who: Julius, Zack (The GDF guard assigned to him after the Fifth Luna incident), whoever else feels like it
What: The Epilogue
Where: All over the place, but mostly in Lhasa.
When: After the GDF dispands
1: Shortly after the party, Julius disappeared from the GDF base. His new Drifter Sentinel model was left half finished. Zack also disappeared from the base that day. Most of the stuff that had been put into storage after Julius defected remained as such, though most of that were random piles of junk that Julius had all over his room. Anyone who looked into his punishment for the dropping of Fifth Luna would find that he had served his sentence and that he had been left to his own devices, however what exactly that sentence was is classified.
The UES government auctioned it off, and a lot of it went to a bidder who declined to state his name.
Julius did show up at Katina's wedding, as well as to any number of private events held by his friends and comrades in the GDF, but he would quickly disappear afterwards. Zack was also a large part of his life, as Julius had given up waiting for Setsuna, who clearly chose Celestial Being and his Gundam over their relationship.
2: After a few months Julius surfaced again, this time using his genetic ties to his father to claim the Bishop assets, which up until then had been effectively frozen. Following this he took his now controlling number of shares in Conquer and made a deal with the board. He would sell them back at a highly reduced cost so long as he retained the rights to produce the things he designed while working for them without royalties. They would retain the rights to what they currently had and the two would part ways. Neither Julius nor Conquer would have any formal or informal ties to each other following this venture.
With that Julius then filed for some trademarks and patents and was now the owner of the fledgling company, Astral Light Industries. It was unknown to most people except for the few people he kept in contact with.
In the mean time, a new and improved Rock Em Sock Em Robots machine became a hit at arcades and carnivals everywhere. Most of the money made for them went to rebuilding Lhasa.
3: Astral Light Industries HQ was announced to be based in the newly rebuilt Lhasa. It's main commodities were Drifter Sentinels and equipment for psychics designed for non combat purposes, such as construction. The company sold these at highly reduced prices to those rebuilding as a result of the various wars.
Julius and Zack were rarely at their home in space or at the company headquarters however. Both could be most commonly found on an adventures spanning the globe and beyond.
((OOC: Feel free to post here running into Julius at various points during this tale.))