INTRODUCING charming_syrai

Oct 24, 2006 18:08

Oh, let the fun begin.

Finally we got to the interesting part; me! Mwuahaha. My favorite subject... No, I have no idea why people think I'm selfish son of a bitch. Honestly.

Erp. Moving on.

Me, Syrai. The crazy girl who gets these crazy ideas and is crazy enough to go along with them. But then, F's even crazier. She always follows.

So, what kind of fics do I like? WELL. My heart always beats for angsty and dark stuff, with a higher rating. Also, well written stories with a bad boy or/and a bad girl make my day because generally... they are just ::so:: much more interesting to read than all that fluffy crap (not that there'd be anything wrong with fluff, I write fluff!) floating around. That stuff is nice, it makes you smile, but usually the characters don't develope in those at all.

And, come on... bad guys wear cool leather clothes and they're all evil and...

Yeah, you see, I really do have a big thing for bad boys. Yes, yes, don't we all? Like give me a fic with Evil Sark and I'm in! ::SIGH:: go ahead and shake your head. Too bad those perfect Evil Sark fics are rare and extremely hard to find (still I spend hours after hours trying to find... Sad but true. I'm truly THAT obsessed. And pathetic), cause people live with this horrile assumption that Sark should always be turned. No.

I can spend a whole day (or in my case, night) doing nothing but eating and reading - occasionally I visit the bathroom if I remember.

I love fics. I love original fics too, but I've noticed the characters in those don't usually appeal to me that much. Usually they're too Mary Sue for my liking. I dunno, I just generally love fan fictions better, because the characters are familiar to me and I can picture them in my head with more accuracy, you know? Nowadays I really don't read anything below PG-13... I like the darker stuff, is all. Blood, violence, smut, the usual. I don't even need the smut to be that graphic, just need it to be there. I'm more into psychological stuff and chemistry between the peeps - but then, ever since I was 15 I wanted to major in psychology. Too bad I never got that far, meh.

Alright so, I was originally introduced to the world of fan fics by Dark Angel and as you can see, I've been drowning ever since. All because I fell in love with Jensen Ackles and simply had to find out more about him... ran into 'Nuns with Pens' which is a huge, huge fan fiction board for Jensen and there I was, in the middle of all these great fan fictions. Before that, though, I stumbled upon DAFF, dark angel fan fiction archive and the first fic I ever read was COVERT MISSION, Max/Alec fic, NC-17 rated too... but at the time I didn't understand what the ratings were, meh. That was like when I was... what... 15? Gods, it's been so long I can't remember.

I read a lot... Alias, Everwood, Higher Ground, Xena, Harry Potter... Firefly (I have a thing for River/Mal, ok?) Terminator, the Pretender, Once and Again, (Eli/Grace breaks my heart!) BtVS, Supernatural, Xena, One Tree Hill (Naley!), Battlestar Galactica, (Starbuck/Spoon! Fine! Anders! I blame Pensacola) Veronica Mars and Dark Angel... I've never read a single book by L.J Smith but the fan fics are absolutely delicous... then there's of course Gilmore Girls and X-men (who doesn't love Pyro/Rogue, huh, HUH?) I could go on forever, honestly.

Ooh, meep, let us not forget Kyra/Riddick (Riddick) or Booth/Brennan (Bones) - I don't know what it is with this one, but I just love them to bits. They tickle, damnit. Maybe it's the fact I love anthropology and I love pairing people in series, so 1 + 1... love the show, love the characters = pairings are born.

Though, at the moment I'm very much into Rogue/Pyro (X-men)... and Dean/Faith (Supernatural/BtVS). They just rock my socks. Never really went for crossovers till I read Buffy/Dean fic and it got me thinking... With Rogue and Pyro then again, I just find the whole concept too delicious to be true. Rogue with her untouchable skin and Pyro wanting her nevertheless, ready to be hurt just to be with her physically... well, that's true love, meh. Or true lust, but, who cares? Same outcome anyway.

Oh anyway, there's more, trust me... Max/Alec (Dark Angel) - well duh, of course - Miss Parker/Jarod (the Pretender), Sydney/Sark (Alias) - Alec is hot, Miss Parker amazing and Sark has an accent. ::drools:: Though, must be said, with ALIAS fics, I actually adore more Julia/Sark fics - Simon/Julia fics are good too and oh, the triangles! I'm not so much into threesome ficcies, but I do love triangles. They're wicked.

The one pairing that never ever stops tickling me, though, is dramione. Hermione/Draco (Harry Potter) - my fandoms and fav pairings change, but this particular couple always, always stays. Well, what can I say? Draco is so dark in these fics that I've been reading and she's herself, smart and witty and... well, the exact opposite of him and we all know how opposite attracts! I love dramione fics where the characters grow and develope and where everything isn't black and white. It's all about psychology, again, meh.

What else? What else? OH, Madison/Ephram (Everwood), a pairing which is pretty close to my heart - I've never liked Amy that much maybe cause she just seems too perfect to be. And she's whiney. Generally I'm shipping Bright with Hannah, but weirdly Bright/Delia (Everwood) is truly one of my favorite fic pairings to read. Erp. Although I'm a total Xena/Ares (Xena) shipper, Xena/Gabrielle fics touch me too. Although, usually, I'm more into this pairing as best friends, not as lovers.

With ANIME it's definitely Rin/Sesshomaru (Inuyasha) or Tamahome/Miaka (Fushigi Yuugi) - I like anime stuff, I do, but I've never really gotten into reading the fics. Same with games. Although, after seeing Advent Children I've been very much obsessing over Tifa/Loz...

And hey, be it known there's something very wrong with me 'cause Selene/Michael (Underworld) is one of my guilty pleasures. Did I mention I also love to read Vinnie/Charlie (Motorbike mice from mars) fics? Yeah, well... I know, I need stronger medication.

Oh well, everything goes when it's me, I guess. Woot.

reccer: charming_syrai, *crew post

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