FAN VID: CRAWLING by pyrotechnic86

Oct 06, 2007 19:46

VIDEO: Crawling
SONG: Crawling by Linkin Park
MAKER: pyrotechnic86

{ xxx } As always, you might want to watch it first, but don't worry, I won't ruin anything for you (hopefully) even if you didn't - this one isn't telling a story that I might spoil. Instead, it gives us something better.

A character study (and it's all about Rogue and why she is the way she is).

Which, in my opinion, is amazing - especially when it's done with a fan vid, not a fic. Admittedly, it took me a long time to realize just how beautiful and well-thought this video actually is. The first time I watched it, I don't think I was concentrating enough to get it. The song, the scenes, the fading. Especially the fading. I didn't realize the fades actually tell us something. I should've noticed, of course, because it's very clear, but as I said, my mind wasn't on the video then ---

So, you pay attention to the fades while watching, okay?

The video basically shows us how the minds' of people Rogue has drained effect her own psyche, how they affect the choices she makes in her life - and her attitude. At least that's the feeling the video gives me - that's how I see it and, well, what I see, I like.

Technically, in the movies Rogue doesn't really absorb the personalities of the people she touches, at least we're not told so (as far as I remember) - all we know is that she simply gets their memories and their powers, but the thing I love about this video is that it actually makes you think that 'you know, we could be wrong'.

Maybe she does get piece of them, too. Maybe it's something the writers just chose to keep as a secret, hee.

Anyway, I find this particular video pretty heartbreaking. I dunno why. You know, all the pain she's felt, everything she's gone through - all put in one video... well, maybe it's no wonder it's heartbreaking, really.

It would seem I don't have much to say. 'Cept that... the editing is nice, the effects cool and the the song truly is fitting (never can go wrong with LINKIN PARK... what can I say? I luv them). I especially love the fact it's got clear beginning and end that follow the music. I don't really like the kind of videos that just *end* without ending credits or something.

Extra points for showing us how alike Rogue and Pyro really are with the following bit ^^;
there's something inside me that pulls beneath the surface
this lack of self-control I fear is never ending
controlling/I can't seem
to find myself again
my walls are closing in
(without a sense of confidence I'm convinced that
there's just too much pressure to take)
I've felt this way before
so insecure

That's *so* my favorite part in the whole damn video. Because let's face it, it tickled the RYRO shipper in me. Surprising, eh?

fandom: x-men, fan video, reccer: charming_syrai, pairing: general

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