If someone has the original nintendo and wants to sell it to me .. ill totally take it!!!! OMG !!!

Oct 05, 2004 21:33

TRISHA! You can reply to me online, but yet I see no phone call! Im sad =( I kinda wanted to go to the soccer game tonight. I could hear everyone screaming in cheering, but I don't think I could ever find anyone to go with. I miss my friends so much. I mean I have good ones now, but I miss the ones I had. The ones I could talk to, and not feel ( Read more... )

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Comments 1

just_a_girl123 October 13 2004, 17:23:48 UTC
i miss you sweetie, i did call like a bagillion fuckin times....no answer. anyway got my license, so come down, ill give you a ride in the pimp mobile. haha actually my moms ghetto car. but come home soon. fer halloween. ill be a pilgrim, alicias the turkey and ashleys an indian. you can be the melon. er semthing. love ya lots, call me soon.

p.s i liked sleeping with you


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