[When Kevas woke up this morning the last thing he expected to find was himself locked in his own room, and feeling how cold the door handle was, there was no doubt in his mind of what happened. Someone just dropped a glacier in front of his door...again
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For now she'll leave it at that, knowing that there is more than enough in his room to keep him supplied and that she'll be able to get in the room in a moment should she need to.
It's that whole 'not given a choice' bit that jabs her the hardest and earns the first response.]
You were given the choice to stop on your own, beloved, and yet you did not. We do what we do for your own sake, and are not alone in this belief. You may not like the approach, but we care about you too much to let this continue.
[They did warn you that they would do something. If you didn't believe it would be this inventive, then you weren't giving either of them enough credit for their creativeness.]
I didn't stop because I don't need to. When has drinking ever done anything harmful to me? It's when I stop that a problem comes up.
[He can handle this, after he's done it since he was a kid. As long as he has a drink at hand then everything is fine. Why can't they see that?
How is this helping him? This just seems like they want him to quit because they're tired of dealing with it.]
She knows how he feels about this decision and that he doesn't believe there is anything wrong with his drinking. She knows that there is no way to make him see what he's not ready to see, and that when it comes to his alcohol, he's not ready to see it yet.
It's far more than a desire to just not deal with his drinking any longer. It will be the simple fact that he won't have to have a drink to get by anymore. No, he wasn't drinking because he was hiding from his memories any longer, but he was still drinking far more than even the fish in the lake deemed necessary.
Her voice is gentle when she speaks next, without a trace of anger or tiredness.]Beloved... I will not pretend that this will not be difficult for you, but nor will I pretend that your drinking at every free moment is fine. Should we let this continue until ( ... )
Even when I drink I've been able to save people.
[The fight is starting to leave him now. Maybe it's all the people getting on his case about it, maybe it's his talk with Nel, maybe it's all of that, but he's having trouble thinking of arguments right now.
Kevas sighs. The withdrawals will be coming soon, probably before the day is even out. With as much as he drinks they hit fast and they hit hard.]
I don't know if I can give this up Talia.
[Can he really be more useful to people if he's not drinking all the time? How exactly is that going to change anything?]
She knows he is not through with trying to find a way out of this, but she also knows he is rather effectively trapped. She hadn't wanted it to come to this, and making the decision for him after upsettig Isabella over the same had been a choice hard made, but she truly believed this was for the best.
His words hurt, because she knows this will be hard for him.]
If anyone can do this, Kevas, it is you. Neither Nel nor I would put anything before you that we did not believe you could handle.
[He might not see the point now, but it would be better in the end and she was hardly going to simply walk away and leave him to his own during it. She'd have her mind open to him all the while, no matter the effect it would have on her. If it made things any easier for him, then it was a ( ... )
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