Title: Decompressing (Void, Part Two)
Pairing: Tim Kasher/Conor Oberst
Rating: PG-13
Prompt: compression
Word Count: 689
Summary: It hurts and it hurts worse than most things you've ever felt, because you're realizing all over again what he was to you.
DisclaimerNotes: Part Two to the part of the story arc I'm writing. Part One is
Who are you to deny that you need him? )
Comments 18
i can't even describe how much this moved me.
the dialogue was so breathtakingly heartbreaking and the imagery, my god, the imagery was just flawless. it flowed and contrasted at the same time, if that makes any sense. it was like the world was mirroring back his thoughts and his mind but at the same time it was so steril and so not what he was. just perfect.
i love bright eyes. i love cursive. lately though, i have been losing my faith in the greatness that is bright eyes [i wasn't to impressed by cassadega]. but this was set years and years back [he was twenty right?] and in my mind i picture it around the time he wrote lifted. and it almost reaffirmed my love and admiration for his music, just because of how emotionally powerful the words were and how each and every line fit so beautifully with the piece as a whole.
and i don't normally get so worked up over stories, but this one dug pretty deep and i love it for that.
amazing amazing job.
Thank you so much.
i think i need to go listen to my collection now.
Go listen to The Good Life. Do you know them?
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