Title: Cracks in the Stone
Pairing: Tim Kasher/Conor Oberst
Rating: R for content
Prompt: stone/void
Summary:You remember his bedroom, when he pushes you down onto the sheets, not half as careful as he was when you were dating. You didn't really expect him to be, and you don't want him to be. That's not what this is about, and that's not why you
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Comments 3
and this was just perfect.
Loved it. <3
I'm very glad you liked it. You should write some. Seriously. I'm sad that I'm the only one who writes them anymore.
Thank you <3
PS - Also, I'm not a creeper, but the e-mail showed a lyric as your LJ name thing. The Matches, Eryn Smith or something, no?
I should write some but I kinda suck. lol
Yep that's Eryn Smith, my friends always tells me that, that song is like the perfect description of me. haha
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