Title: "Home"
yukari_rinPairing: Yondaime Hokage (Namikaze Minato) x Uchiha Shisui
Fandom: Naruto
Theme: #28, Wada Calcium CD3
Rating: K
Word Count: 829
Notes: For
fujiwara_san, my wifey whom I love madly.
Disclaimer: Naruto and related properties belong to Masashi Kishimoto and related parties.
Home )
Comments 2
&oh Shisui how I adore you, Though maybe father would not like someone who criticizes his habits to pay his respects. dfgjdfgj XDD
&some typos: I though to put it on his grave. thought right, and while she talking about being at home or somthing or the box being at home? I was kinda confused as if you meant to use "it" or "I" or?
last paragraph was kinda foreshadowing and ;___;
I knew you would love that line! I giggled over it when Shisui!muse fed it to me and she was quite upset that I reacted the same way Minato did.
Ah, sankyuu for that~ And I think I fixed the second spot you were talking about.
Yeah. *cuddles* Once Minato finally starts walking Shisui turns around and watches him but I couldn't fit that in. :\
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