She crawls (quickly), walks on her knees (slowly), and takes a good 15 steps at a time.
She knows who we are and likes to hug us and sometimes kiss us.
She want any technology she can reach, and her reach is longer than it appears.
She says, "mama, dada, kitty, hi, bottle, and love you".
She loves books and wants her favorites read over and over and over and over.
She doesn't like napping unless it is in the stroller.
She likes jumping and swinging.
She's already showing signs of becoming willful and determined.
She cannot be distracted away from doing something she shouldn't be doing.
She's nuts about peas but not crazy about meat.
She has only two teeth but one more is coming in.
She technically sleeps through the night and almost sleeps 12 hours straight.
She weaned herself from the bottle with hardly any intervention from us but is holding on to her pacifier tightly.
She loves cats and has no fear of dogs, even those larger than she is.
In short, she is pretty awesome, and I'm glad she's here.