So here's some update-y things...
First, my political thoughts...
OMG THE DEMS WON?!!/1?!1 *Cue sarcasm*
Honestly this doesn't pose much of a front to me. Many of the democrats that won are either moderates or "conservative," so I don't expect there to be a whole lot of damning things passing through the house or senate. Besides, even if it does it'll likely be vetoed by Bush and the moderates will have likely decided not to bother pushing it. Also, voters have an attention span of about six months. By then everyone will hate the democratic congress and want republicans back in place. This cycle of voter blame is the six-month rule of two-party politics, or as I call it, "The Ping-Pong Rule." No one is happy with congress and they really do think that party has something to do with it.
I'm dissapointed that the smoking props passed, as well as the minimum wage evil. (Well, I guess we won't be hurt by inflation for atleast a year...) But I am glad that the animal prop and eminent domain restrictions passed. And though I tend to vote down taxes and bonds, I did vote up the salaries of our state congress. I really didn't see a problem with what they were asking.
And the gay-mariage proposition? I voted "no" for one reason and one reason alone- Everything after defining marriage as a man and a woman. I think the thing would have passed handily if they had stopped there. Protects the "name of marriage" without hurting the universality of marriage, if you will. The fact that it restricted insurance companies and businesses from giving legal rights and coverages to domestic partners and common-law marriages is what I think killed it. There are alot of common-law man-and-wife couples in Arizona as well as a big understanding of "you can't help who you love."
Really, I only have issue with the title of marriage being given to homosexual couples because every gay person I know wants to "get married to stick it to the christians and the breeders." For the ones that actually do love someone of the same sex, why can't they share insurance or enter into legal contracts together?
Oh, and thank God that the "Prize for voting" and "mail in only ballots" props died. The latter would have been a waste of taxpayer money and the former would have encouraged a hell of a lot of people who shouldn't be voting to vote. I think too many mis-informed people vote already. We don't need the rest of them blindly filling out a ballot to "hit it rich."
My jobbings...
So Matt and I both applied and interviewed for the assitant manager spot in my department. It went well on both accounts but appearently it is a popular spot all of a sudden and a lot of outside people are shooting for it, including transfers for other stores and states, and new-hires. Each person seems like a douchebag from either their applications or from the times I have met them. While I really hope I get it- I desperately need the extra money- I'd be okay with Matt getting it. I'd really hate it if someone else got it, especially due to their appearent douchebaggery.
But I still hope most of all that I get the spot.
Crazy guy wets his pants in face of the mighty force of Circuit City!..
Also, crazy guy who has come into my store seven or eight times to try and steal cameras came in again today. Everytime he's come in, Morgan- our camera guy- has foiled him. This time the guy came in and as soon as Morgan saw him and tried to call a manager the guy freaked out, swore at him, and flipped him off. The guy then proceeded to get in his car and hang out by Morgan's car. Morgan had a couple of the pc guys pull his car around back to my shop and the guy followed it (staying in a parking lot off to the side). He ended up driving away, however, when this scene happened. Please visualize this in your fantastic mindscape...
So one of the pc guys, Mike, who is very scawny walked out into our install bay parking lot to see where the guy was, then walked back. After this, Morgan and some more lanky pc guys wearing the geeky polo shirts walked out and watched they guy, talked about the situation, and walked back. There was a brief conference where I had suggested Morgan borrow one of our guns to take home that night just in case (you wouldn't know it at first glance, but most of my store's employees' cars have guns. We are quite heavily armed). Mike, being the cop-in-training seemed to think it a good idea.
After about ten seconds of this, cue the entire roadshop walking out to check out the guy. We wear a different, more "pit" style untucked button-up shirt and, solely by coincidence, are stout and fairly burly looking guys. Morgan asked for me to park his car up front in an inconpicous spot close to the store (he was off the clock now). I hop in his car and start driving towards the guy while the rest watched (just happened that I had to drive towards him to get to the front). At this point the guy decided it was a good time to leave. About ten minutes later, and twenty-five minutes after the call had been made, a Mesa police car shows up, lectures us about how we should have stalled him in the store and that the next time we should call them sooner.
Yep. If you're in danger, you can't count on the police. But you can appearently count on a progressively more agressive group of electronics salesmen to scare the guy away.
Go figure.
Oh, and there's a chance that I will become an internet meme. *groan*
No. I don't want to talk about it.