Terms to Avoid this essay iz intended as uh general guide ta language dat can, intentionally or not, cause offense or perpetuate discriminatory values an' practices by emphasizing da differences between peeps or implying dat one group iz superior ta another. Its purpose iz ta make dictionary users aware o' da possible consequences o' da werdz dey choose. Before looking at da werdz themselves, it iz important ta note dat offensive or insensitive speech iz not limited ta uh specific group o' werdz. One can be hurtful an' insulting by usin' any type o' vocabulary, if dat iz one'sintent. While in most cases it iz easy ta avoid blatantly offensive slurs an' comments, mo' subtle bias dat iz an inherent part o' our language or dat iz da habit o' uh lifetime iz much harder ta change.
Certain werdz iz labeled in Random House Webster'sCollege Dictionary as vulgar, offensive, or disparaging. Words in deez categories, which include those referring ta sexual or excretory functions an' racial, ethnic, or social groups, iz usually inappropriate an' should be treated wiff caution. While dere iz some circumstances where deez werdz iz accepted, dere iz many others where they use can be hurtful an' upsetting.
Other factors complicate da queshun. A group may disagree within itself as ta what iz acceptable an' what iz not. Many seemingly inoffensive terms develop negative connotations over tyme an' become dated or jet out o' style as awareness changes. A "within da group" rule often applies, which allows uh member o' uh group ta use terms freely dat would be considered offensive if used by uh non-member o' da group.
What iz considered acceptable shifts constantly as peeps become mo' aware o' language an' its power. The rapid changes o' da last few decades gots left many peeps puzzled an' afraid o' unintentionally insulting someone. At da same tyme, deez changes gots angered others, who decry what dey see as extremes o' "political correctness" in rules an' locutions dat alter language ta da point o' obscuring, even destroying, its meaning. The abandonment o' traditional usages has also upset many peeps. But while it iz true dat some o' da mo' extreme attempts ta avoid offending language gots resulted in ludicrous obfuscation (is "animal companion" necessary as uh replacement fo' "pet "?), it iz also true dat heightened sensitivity in language iz uh statement o' respect, indicates precision o' thought, an' iz uh positive move toward rectifying da unequal social status between one group an' another.
Race, Ethnicity, an' National Origin
Sexual Orientation
Depersonalization o' Persons wiff Disabilities or Illnesses
Patronizing or Demeaning Expressions
Language That Excludes or Unnecessarily Emphasizes Differences
Sexism Race,Ethnicity, an' National Origin Age Sexual Orientation Depersonalization o' Persons wiff Disabilities or Illnesses Patronizing or Demeaning Expressions Language That Excludes or Unnecessarily Emphasizes Differences
WORDS@RANDOM | The Mavens' Word o' da Day | Sensitive Language
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all ye damn hood ratz.