Take the quiz.
Post your results.
1) How tall is
fabiod736? Um, 5"10 or so?
2) What flavor of jello would
hotspamisbest be? lime... possibly...
3) Are
stages and
xoticmystique married? Never even met
4) What would
hurting_soul give
jonni_nutt for his/her birthday? some weird ass porn
5) Have you ever dated
oneterribleidea? no, that would be awkward
6) Is
adriftindreams single? Yes?
7) Is
x_teardrop_x friends with
live2love12? I think so... possibly...
8) Which president would
hotspamisbest be likely to idolize? Um... Grover Cleveland? Sorry, I just like typing 'Grover'
9) Where was
hollis8102 born? Vietnam... somewhere
10) Is
godfatherofciw a high school student? nope
11) Would
sugasweetmanda be a better ninja or pirate? neither
12) What is
cyanidewine's favorite game? Rat Screw or something?
13) What would
justsolen think of
javajazzdysu? I think theyd get along swimmingly
14) Does
live2love12 have a crush on
sugasweetmanda? its possible...
15) Where was
xoticmystique born? Youngstown-ish?
16) One thing you can't stand about
stroodle? The fact that he doesn't use his LJ anymore
17) When did you last call
justsolen? I've never called him soo...
18) Would
jirafff go out with
parasomniac00? If he weren't gay and she weren't a whore, then yes
19) Is
parasomniac00 your best friend? Sure, why not
20) Would
justsolen and
pcraider make a good couple? Most likely
21) What comic book character would
happymisogynist be? Um...
22) Have you flirted with
asortajesus? Hahah all the time
23) What is
hurting_soul's favorite color? Red..probably
24) What planet should
philman be from? Pluto
25) Would you make out with
a_pugnaciousboy? Maaaybe
26) Is
and_we_sink an emo? Ha
27) What is
javajazzdysu's shoe size? 12
28) What would you do if you found out
oneterribleidea has a crush on you? Ummmm....
29) Does
xoticmystique smoke? I think she does... secretly
30) If
hollis8102 took over the world, who would suffer? A different group of people everyday