App for towerofanimus

Nov 09, 2011 19:18

Player Information
Name: Fenix
Personal LJ: darkling_foenix
Age: 24
Contact Info: AIM Primusforged Or plurk @ dark_fenix
Other Characters Played: None

Character Information
Character Name: Ventus
Character Series: Kingdom Hearts
Character Age: 15
Character Gender: Male
Alternate Universe
Canon Point: AU after first Maleficent boss battle
Background Link: Ven Canon background and the game itself.
AU Background:
The first difference shown in the AU occurs in the Mark of Mastery Exam, when Ventus is injured more severely than shown in canon. Whilst this does little to affect the basic timeline, it does show his friend’s concern for him in a much more pronounced and stifling way. As per canon, Ventus steps out into the worlds on his own. He has the same general troubles as to be expected, wounds and exhaustion taking their toll with the latter being something Cure spells can’t do much about. His talk with Aqua is briefer due to this, more sporadic, and Ventus leaves as abruptly as his feet can allow. The freedom he’s gained and the need to see Terra are clouds against the rationality Aqua attempts to give him.

The story goes pear shaped when Vanitas appears before he can attempt to reach the Lanes Between, earlier than the canon allows one to expect.

Threats are passed back and forth, Ventus realizing that Vanitas is in some way connected to the Unversed - likely an Unversed himself - before Vanitas does something Ventus can’t rationalize. After a brief, but fierce fight, Vanitas drags Ventus into the darkness, for reasons unknown. Vanitas’ actions stem from the belief that as Ventus’ other half, he can train the boy more easily than Xehanort’s plans, and so he keeps him against his will in a blackened room - no doors, windows, or escape to be anywhere found.

Ventus is terrified, of course. The darkness and the Unversed are stifling with their presence and for a long while, he fights. The Wayfinder is a brief symbol of hope, but with Vanitas well aware of his emotions, the dark being easily breaks that last vestige of the outside world, completely cutting Ventus off from any source of friendship and companionship.

For the next four months, time has little concept. Vanitas is vicious in the way that he trains him, sending flood after flood of Unversed, until Ventus has collapsed with exhaustion or injury. Healing is sparse, used only to assure that Ventus isn’t crippled or maimed in a way that would make him completely useless. On the days when there’s enough in the light half to fight back, attempt to escape or even to simply demand answers, the Unversed are used to weigh him down, cutting off the circulation in his hands and feet to the point of damaging before he’s left alone once more in the living tethers. Broken bones and fractures are commonplace and only lightly treated. An extreme example of this would be in his first month, when his weapons arm is broken for several days, rebroken out of the warped position it’s naturally set into, before Ventus is forced to Cure himself.

Several times, too, Ventus is forced to battled Vanitas himself, each time going down painful after only a short time. While the months blur together, Ventus comes to slowly mimic Vanitas style of fighting and gain more and more experience at fighting in closed quarters.

Sometime into the fourth month, Ventus is 'gifted' with a collar after one particular rebellious attempt to overpower Vanitas and escape. The collar is made out of the same thing as the Unversed - it's impossible to get off and is adorned with the Unversed mark. Another way of proving how superior the Darkness is over the Light. It's used several times to choke Ventus to the point of blacking out, along with the more 'mild' punishment of having it tight enough so that breathing is problematic and speaking is a no go, but won't suffocate him. Generally, Vanitas will leave it like this, or tighter, for days. It also acts as reminder to Ventus that his rebellion won’t be tolerated.

Throughout this ordeal, Ventus is slowly, but surely losing hope. Time has lost meaning and in this way, it feels like mere hours become weeks. Delusion is easy to find when trapped in such solitary confinements and with Vanitas as his only source of companionship, the day eventually comes when he finds himself caught up in attempting to do what Vanitas wants of him, due to the singular anchor the ‘Unversed King’ has become. This is tested in the sixth month of captivity when Vanitas plays a 'game' with Ventus. He drags Ventus along as he seeks out Aqua - hiding him in the darkness of cause with the collar tight enough to choke should he try and speak. After the battle that Aqua managed to get away from, Vanitas allows Ventus to 'go after' the older teen but in the end it's a trick. He just wants to see what results his project is having.

Ventus is forced into killing her after some goading and false promises on Vanitas's behalf. While he is allowed to see the light that he is so starved for, it's also the place where Vanitas teaches him a lesson in obeying his commands. Weapon arm broken after he fights back, Ventus is then dragged back into the darkened room and left mostly alone for a a week (with only unversed to keep him 'company') before Vanitas returns and rebreaks his arm, only to force Ventus to heal it himself. The teen is then flung into battle against several of the more powerful unversed, which despite what he's been through and his own emotions, Ventus is willing enough to comply simply as it’s something to do - and it he gains Vanitas’ approval for doing well in each battle.

Underneath the broken-but-not shell, Ventus is still Ventus. He's still a kind, loyal, happy and innocent boy who wants nothing more than to help people, see new things and learn what the worlds hold. But after six months with the only source of companionship close to human being Vanitas, he's less vibrant and more inclined to be quiet and introverted. Willing to do what he must for whatever attention he can get, be it positive or negative - with a view on what is good and what isn’t skewed and warped beyond recognition.

Examples of this would be general taunting taken as affection, whilst only extreme violence is taken as truly horrific. The teen has come to learn to avoid pain as much as possible and in this way is more submissive than before, giving into Vanitas’ demands often without question, with the idea of life over morals. Though there are times when who he is shines though, but they are become rarer and rarer.

A radical difference in his personality is the near disappearance of his trust in Aqua and Terra - and in his own Master, Eraqus. After the amount of time spent captive, his hope in them has dwindled and died, easily helped along by Vanitas’ urgings. There’s a large sense of abandonment there, quickly formed and constantly nurtured throughout the entirety of his unwanted contact with Vanitas. With his darkness as the only form of contact that he has, it’s impossible for him to know if any of the three are looking for him and that information is something Vanitas is unlikely to share anytime soon.

Despite this, Ventus still has some belief in his own self-worth. Simply put, this stems from the fact that he isn’t dead yet. Though there is now an established reliance upon Vanitas, Ventus still strives for the idea of leaving the darkness, and it’s that thought that keeps him balanced along a thin line of sanity. Should that thought ever be crushed, it's likely that Ventus will rapidly become a shell of himself. This hopeful side is often difficult to see in his heart and mind’s eye, with his increasing despair and despondency all but burying these elements when they become apparent enough for Ventus to take notice. Showing what little hope he has left tends to lead to it being crushed and he'd rather not have what little he has left fully crushed. He’s still dangerously unaware of his fate and connection to Vanitas, with the assumption that in some way, this is simply a game for the other. That Vanitas as was looking for a keyblade wielder to break and he happened to be the first one he saw. Deep down, too, Ventus is desperately clinging to his promise that he won’t break; it’s a promise that he’s finding harder and harder to keep as time passes.

Whilst he still has his own thoughts and reasoning, there’s little to no reason to voice them at all. His self-confidence and belief in his own thoughts has degraded severely from the time spent with Vanitas, the other shattering most of his beliefs in himself, the worlds and his friends, coming close to the point where he, in a twisted sense, is someone that Ventus feels he can look up to, even with Vanitas having forced Ventus to kill Aqua - having used him for such a purpose. It made him happy, that's all that really matters. his own hurt and feelings of betrayal that stem from that are really nothing, because if he hadn't done it then he'd never ever get to see the Light again. And even though he did only to end up with a thrashing for making Vanitas promise him that, Ven's happy. Or so he tells himself. He's become adept at lying to himself, but Ventus... still can't lie his way out of a paper bag to others.

Whilst most of this psychological damage could be rectified, the clean-up is often harder than the war- it would not be a painless process for Ventus, nor an easy laneway. Due to being something of a doormat now, interaction with others will tend to follow a basic pattern: do what they want, no matter what, for it will avoid pain.

Another big issue with Ventus is touch, as he's long associated that with pain in some way, shape or form and tends to elicit fear out of him. Vanitas never touched Ventus except to hurt him, and it's become so ingrained now that at times, even a raised hand at him will have him flinching back. Though if he's touched, he'll go along with it as long as required and force down his own reactions to keep the other person happy. It will not be an easy thing to break out of this conditioned response, if at all.

In a nutshell, Ventus's interactions can be expected to be along the lines of emo emo emo tiny bit of backbone emo more ect. There would also be not caring and general docility and submissiveness to the situation around him. Not quite learned helplessness, but damned close. Of note, too, is that while Ventus's light seems to be dim and tainted, in his Heart, it's still as strong as ever.

Poor boy will be an easy target for manipulation time and time again.

Abilities: Ventus wields a weapon known as the keyblade, one of several who do so in the KH canon and the character with the most distinctive fighting style, being the only backwards grip weilder. His keyblade is called the Wayward Wind, and he's able to summon it at will, along with a full body suit of armour and a keyblade glider.

He knows some basic magic, predominantly along the lines of wind styled elements, IE Aero-magic. Cure spells are significant in his arsenal too and he's had plenty of time to hone his useage of them. His other spells at this point consist of basic Ice and Fire spells along with the command styles and shotlocks that he's gained. A full rundown of what he has can be found here, though some are used less often than others, IE Poison and the Magnet spell.

Through Vanitas’ training, Ventus has gained a significant increase in the damage of his physical attacks and general speed during all out brawls. Another note of particular interest is the subtle changes in the style of his fighting- movements far more like Vanitas’ rather than his own, and that he fights in closer quarters than he once did. He's also single minded about fighting, and generally due conditioning, will go on until he's outright exhausted.

Sample Entry: Dear Mun link, meme link and from the last game he was in. If you need more, let me know

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