Paste the following into instant messages to yourself
Dr Mono 001:
=-Oaaaaah me legs
/ | \ /\
Dr Mono 001:
:-( I've fallen off again
/ | \ /\
Dr Mono 001:
well this is an unexpected turn of events
/ | \ :'( /\
Dr Mono 001: i seem to be rolling to the right
/ | \ -:'( /\
Dr Mono 001:
--=-O there i go!
/ | \ /\
Dr Mono 001: ------------------=-O?!!?
Dr Mono 001: ------------=-Ostill flying
Dr Mono 001:
=-O-------------------> |_=-O_| I'll catch you
_ |_
| |
Dr Mono 001:
--=-O |_=-O_| I'll catch you
_ |_
| |
Dr Mono 001:
|_=-O=-O_| Whaaaaa?!
_ |_
| |
|_=-O=-O_| weight on top too heavy for legs
_ |_
| /
Dr Mono 001:
___**(&(*&R(*R(*#__-_/-|\_D|.:-(:-( --you bastard, sotp walking on toothpicks