[[Took place on Tuesday night, bye bye Vongole ;_;]]
Kristoph: *After leaving the office the first day of being home, Kristoph drives over to Klavier's apartment. He's in a remarkably cheerful mood, and almost swings the bag of special dog treats he has with him as he is let into the building and makes his way upstairs.*
Kristoph: *It's only been a week, and he's suprirsed that after so short a time he's come to miss his new pet so strongly. Not that he would ever admit that if he could help it. Smiling to himself, he rings Klavier's bell and waits.*
Klavier: *Klavier has been laying on the couch with a rather sleepy Vongole on top of him. He strokes the dog's ears as the sound of his buzzer rings* Ah, that must be Kris. Come on, Vongole. Get up, silly pup. *he crawls out from under the dog and heads over to his door, pressing the button on the intercomm* That you, Kris?
Kristoph: Yes, it's me. I brought you something, like I promised.
Klavier: Alright, the door is open. Come on up -- there is a pretty girl up here who has been missing you a lot you know! *he clicks the button to unlock the front door and let Kris in*
Kristoph: *Kristoph enters, managing to control his grin somewhat.* Hello, Klavier. *He's quickly distracted from his brother as Vongole approaches - he immediately crouches down to welcome her enthusiastic licks to his hands*
Kristoph: Ah, there you are. Did you miss me?
Klavier: *Klavier reaches down to pat Vongole's rump as she bathes Kristoph in dog spit* Ja, she is getting a little homesick. I took her for a run after I got home from work so she is a little sleepy now.
Kristoph: Good, good. She didn't give you any trouble, did she? *Kristoph opens up one of two bags he has with him, offering Vongole one of the new treats, which she eagerly gulps down.*
Klavier: Not at all! Except chewing my things... and eating a few things she should not be. She was a great girl though! I taught her a bunch of cool tricks too -- she can give high-fives now!
Kristoph: *Kristoph glances up at him doubtfully* High fives?
Klavier: *Klavier nods* Yeah! I'll show you! *he steps back and whistles, patting his chest* Vongole! Gimme 5! *he holds out his hands, facing palm-up. Vongle jumps up and slaps her paws down against Klavier's hands, barking excitedly* Good girl!
Kristoph: *Kristoph adjusts his glasses and sighs* I hope you haven't taught her too many new tricks like that.
Klavier: Only one more! *he looks to the dog who's still on her hind legs* Am I handsome? *Vongole lunges forward, putting her paws against Klavier's chest and starts licking his face. He grins wide, looking at Kristoph* See? I do not even need groupies!
Kristoph: *Kristoph relaxes once more.* That's not really a trick. *He stands, moving towards the kitchen.* I said I'd bring dinner, but I figured there was a better way to show my appreciation for your help this last week.
Klavier: *Klavier pushes Vongole down and follows Kristoph to the kitchen* Oh? ...You are still giving me dinner though, right?
Kristoph: I think this will be enough for your appetite. *Kristoph sets his other bag onto the table, and out of it pulls a round chocolate cake.*
Klavier: *Klavier smiles wide, looking to his brother* You know just how to win me over.
Kristoph: I figured it was the least I could do. Your new roommate wasn't too put out by the addition, was he? *When Vongole comes to investigate the smell of the cake, he distracts her with another treat.*
Klavier: Oh, Daryan? *he shrugs a bit, going over to the cupboard to get some plates out for the cake* He moped around a bit, whined about the dog smell but he left on vacation with his parents after a few days. *he sets the plates down on the table and gets out some forks and a knife to cut the cake -- dinner can wait, he wants cake now*
Kristoph: How could anyone complain about such a charming creature, hm Vongole? *Kristoph turns his full attention back to his dog, scratching behind her ears. When she flops onto her back he indulges her with a tummy rub.*
Klavier: *Klavier cuts the chocolate cake, giving himself a very large piece* I know, he just does not 'get' dogs I suppose. Did you want some cake?
Kristoph: No thank you. I bought it for you, and I ate more than my share of sweets at the conference. *He straightens up once more* It's a shame you couldn't have attended.
Klavier: It sounds like it was pretty boring anyway. *he takes his fork and starts in on his cake* ...Was it boring?
Kristoph: Of course not. *He takes a seat at the table.* I had the opportunity to share experiences with some of the top defense attorneys of the country. It was very gratifying.
Klavier: *Klavier sits down and eats his cake* I am around some of the country's top prosecutors all day -- I do not think I could handle a meeting full fo Herr Edgeworths.
Kristoph: *Kristoph waves a hand dismissively* I'm not sure I would call Mr. Edgeworth one of the country's top prosecutors. But still, you shouldn't discount his experience so flippantly. There's a lot you can learn from your superiors.
Klavier: *Klavier shrugs and says as he swallows another mouthful* I think I am pretty content where I am. He is okay outside of the work place, but inside...
Kristoph: You ought to put a request in to your superiors to let you visit a conference like the one I attended. It would be good for you to meet prosecutors outside your office.
Klavier: *Klavier finishes the last bite of his cake, chewing thoughtfully for a moment* Well... I suppose it would mean I could travel -- maybe I coul go to a conference in Europe? The legal system is different there, France is different from Germany, and so is England... I have not traveled across Europe in a long time.
Kristoph: *Frowning thoughtfully* I don't see the point of that unless you intend to practice overseas. You still need to learn all the details of this legal system.
Klavier: *Klavier rolls his eyes a bit* I know plenty about this legal system and its flaws. There is no compairing it to the German system.
Kristoph: Hmph. You say that, and yet you're practicing here. *Kristoph reaches down to vongole, stroking her fur.*
Klavier: *Klavier taps his fork against his lip, glancing over to Kristoph* Because my brother lives here.
Kristoph: *Kristoph hums as he watches his dog rather than his brother.* I'm no longer your legal guardian. If you'd rather practice in Germany, you can go ahead.
Klavier: *Klavier goes silent, mulling over Kristoph's words longer than he should* ...No, I am happy here.
Kristoph: In that case, you should be even more eager to learn the subtleties of our law system. *He smiles, but there's something distantly cold in the expression.* It's still your goal to beat me in court, isn't it?
Klavier: *A cocky grin crosses Klavier's face as he looks to his brother again* Of course... and I am going to do it too.
Kristoph: We'll see. *Kristoph gives Vongole a firm pat on the side and finally straightens up to face Klavier properly.* We'll see.
Klavier: *Klavier reaches down and pats Vongole's head* I guess you two will be heading off now, ja?
Kristoph: Yes, I'm anxious to get her home. I still have a lot to catch up on. *Kristoph stands, the warmth filling back into his expression* Thank you again for taking care of her for me.
Klavier: *Klavier gives his brother a fond smile, playing with Vongole's ears a last time before sitting up* Anytime, Kris. I love having her around! *he gets up out of his seat to walk Kristoph and the dog to the door*
Kristoph: *Kristoph follows, and at the door gives Klavier a gentle clap to his shoulder.* Good night, Klavier. I'll be in touch.
Klavier: *Klavier nods, still smiling* Night Kris. See you later then.
Kristoph: *Kristoph pats his thigh, and Vongole follows him happily out into the hall. He sneaks her one last biscuit as they head out of the apartment and down the hall.*
Klavier: *Klavier watches them go, his smile fading a bit as he thinks over his brother's words. He closes the door, trying to put it out of his mind for now.*