I think we might actually make it out to see it tonight. I've already had to face a ton of "oh man, it was so awesome!" Most of the praise I've been hearing is for a trueness to the images PLUS BONUS BRUTALITY BLOOD AND VIOLENCE!!! I was really hoping there wouldn't be all that matrixy speed changing action horseshit all over it. I hate that shit. Also, I had my first moment of panic about it just now when I imagined how they might ruin mars. I fucking cried real physical tears when I read that part of the book and I can only imagine what kind of string sweeps or drum machines they will use to fill what should only ever be the most musical of silences.
I'm trying to think of actual fight scenes other than Nam and when their acting as riot police. The book has a noticable lack of action. Well, except for when Rorschach is chucking people off of buildings or something.
I think I'll just miss it, the way I "missed" League of Extraordinary Gentlemen." I'll just pretend it never happened and that the Watchmen Merch in every goddamned store is just because the general public finally just realized what a piece of literary genius it is and there's a Harry Potter like mania for it now.
Reading you mini-manifesto on the importance of art somewhat checked my cynicism, as well as my unbridled glee in the afterglow of seeing what I personally would say is the best and least compromised film-adaptation of a comic book ever produced(with the only possible exceptions being 1987 Batman and Dark Knight),and I do agree with everything that you've said here in principle Jacob
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Thanks for your comment, my dear anonymous. As much as I would like to deny it, I'm sure the sacred cow status that Watchmen-the-comic has to me does nothing to temper my already substantial vitriol. Indeed, it does occur to me that from a studio perspective, it is pretty hard to see how they would come up with the money for this beast without packaging it for very very broad appeal and assuring the return of their dollars. But as a person who is actually watching the film, this really isn't my concern, nor should it be.
Simply put, I feel that it is not adequate comfort for me to see that the film was not as bad as it could have been. My demands are in fact pretty simple; in essence, that the film be good, and in my very very humble opinion, I felt that it was not
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So I made this account just to reply to this review even though I'm pretty sure I could have replied without one. This is Dano by the way...you know from Bloomington? I stumbled onto this via facebook. Well...I think I've probably been having dialogues about this movie with you and Jill and Carin and Matt for about 1-3 years depending on the person. Working in a bookstore for the past six months, I have sold quite a few copies of Watchmen and I usually ended the transaction with a very heavy handed "Whoa man...this book is gonna change your life..." or "Set your face to stun..." or something even less witty, but I felt it set the mood for the customer
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Comments 13
Also, I had my first moment of panic about it just now when I imagined how they might ruin mars. I fucking cried real physical tears when I read that part of the book and I can only imagine what kind of string sweeps or drum machines they will use to fill what should only ever be the most musical of silences.
Yeah, there is definitely some shall we say extrapolative interpretations of the book's violent moments.
I think I'll just miss it, the way I "missed" League of Extraordinary Gentlemen." I'll just pretend it never happened and that the Watchmen Merch in every goddamned store is just because the general public finally just realized what a piece of literary genius it is and there's a Harry Potter like mania for it now.
also, remember how our ticket stubs said "WATCHMAN"?
Simply put, I feel that it is not adequate comfort for me to see that the film was not as bad as it could have been. My demands are in fact pretty simple; in essence, that the film be good, and in my very very humble opinion, I felt that it was not ( ... )
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