Arigao sooo much 4 all these KAKKOII & lovely (& kawaii too!lol) icons u did! Funny thing, I couldn't save the icons from a public library. Usually, you can but maybe something's wrong on this end. I'll have to go to the SDSU library tom. to dl them all...hehe! (no worries)
Ooohh...finally am able to log into livejournal without a hitch! *taihen for awhile 4 me* Ask me about this later; long story. lolz
Ohhgosh...ones u wished u'd done better?? Uwaaahhh...and doin' all this was *taihen* enuff, gurl!! *.* I'm jus so ecstatic you've done all this already and then...hehe~~ ^.^ Matta...arigato!! ^.^
Btw, here's the jist of what I thought which ones I liked (and loved!). #'s 1, 4(cuz reminds me of his 'younger days), 11 (uwaaaahh, *KYON-KYON*!!), 22, 27 (cuz he's showing Tsubie how to play the keyboards...Takki, teach me too!! j/k...I already know how to 'play by ear' actually.), 29 (love him in hats), 30(LOVE Shanao!), 38(looks like me whenever I'm on a plane listening to my apple Nano...lolz!), 44(like him sleeping), 46(kawaii & hadaka!! O_O), grandpa Takki is always cute, 56(do you know this orange tank he's wearing actually has the 'F' word on it? Oyo...tsk, tsk...lolz!), LOVE #60!!, 66 (love him in hats again), love #'s67, 68, 69, 70 & 71, LOVE 72 (ugh...his biceps & 6pks!! WHOA), #73 *DIES*, #75 (love his smile & dimples), #'s76, 78, 80, 83, 85, 86, 88, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 97, 99...and ESP #100...OMG!!!! @_@) Still love the new Meiji Cocoa CM...I've watched it a bajillion times already and I STILL don't get tired of seein' *half-hadaka Takki*!! lolz
Took them ALL...hehe! U know me...can't get enuff of *Takki*, ne? In fact, already is using the Meiji Cocoa CM one as my default...lolz! Guess cuz lately I've been always feelin' this way whenever I get up in the morn'...ugh! Altho, I dun actually LOOK as good as Takki does in this photo when I get up...lolz! O_O
Btw, din know that Loracyn is goin' to TxTcon with u guyz?? That's sooo kool!! Wow...hey, you guyz should set up some kind of mini-fanclub meeting when all of u get together, ne? Go out and do somethin' with everyone!! That would b soooo AWESOME!!!! (koolness)
Nywayz...thankx a bajillion for makin' these icons! Maa...soo taihen! *whew* My hats off to u...(bows)
oh yea, i hope to meet everyone there in dec... i juz hope we won't have problem looking for each other.. coz it's not easy to find ppl when we dun have our mobile phones etc...
Comments 47
I took several, will credit when I use them!
Thank you! ^__^
Arigao sooo much 4 all these KAKKOII & lovely (& kawaii too!lol) icons u did! Funny thing, I couldn't save the icons from a public library. Usually, you can but maybe something's wrong on this end. I'll have to go to the SDSU library tom. to dl them all...hehe! (no worries)
Ooohh...finally am able to log into livejournal without a hitch! *taihen for awhile 4 me* Ask me about this later; long story. lolz
Ohhgosh...ones u wished u'd done better?? Uwaaahhh...and doin' all this was *taihen* enuff, gurl!! *.* I'm jus so ecstatic you've done all this already and then...hehe~~ ^.^ Matta...arigato!! ^.^
tho i hardly have time to check my Flist at all... sigh.. taihen!!!!
yea, no one can get tired of half-hadaka takki hehe^^
Took them ALL...hehe! U know me...can't get enuff of *Takki*, ne? In fact, already is using the Meiji Cocoa CM one as my default...lolz! Guess cuz lately I've been always feelin' this way whenever I get up in the morn'...ugh! Altho, I dun actually LOOK as good as Takki does in this photo when I get up...lolz! O_O
Btw, din know that Loracyn is goin' to TxTcon with u guyz?? That's sooo kool!! Wow...hey, you guyz should set up some kind of mini-fanclub meeting when all of u get together, ne? Go out and do somethin' with everyone!! That would b soooo AWESOME!!!! (koolness)
Nywayz...thankx a bajillion for makin' these icons! Maa...soo taihen! *whew* My hats off to u...(bows)
aw, glad u like them ♥
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