Suarentauro rituals (first two)

Jun 03, 2009 10:20

Here are the actual rituals that we used. I've put them under a cut to save folks who aren't interested, but those who wish may peruse at their leasure. The two here are the first one (evening of Day 1) and the second (morning of Day 2, or first of Day 2).

First Ritual, Day 1

  • Ensure that you have a stone cairn on the west side of your property.
  • Prepare two bowls of water, one pure khernips, the other khernips and barley to make barley water. Boil the barley in the water and let it cool before using.
  • Prepare some wine, a small amount of all grains, and a stick of incense.
  • Find a sacred tree and select a branch that you will cut for a post. Oak, olive, or juniper trees are acceptable, though oak is preferred. The branch should be at least 3 feet long. Also have a cutting tool handy to cut the branch.
  • Dig a hole that will hold the branch. The hole for this branch should be dug before the arrival of others for the meal and ritual. The hole should be deep enough so that the branch stays erect throughout the festival.


Meditation by ______________

  • Smudge by________
  • Tingshas by________
  • Wash in Khernips

Gather all of the priests and priestesses at the main hearth.

Kindle a hearth fire, with the FP leading the prayers to Hestia. If possible, light the fire with an oak stick that comes from a tree struck by lightning. You may consider lighting a beeswax candle and, if in a protected and safe location, maintaining that flame for the weekend. All priest and priestesses, if possible, should bring a small stick to help kindle the initial fire.

FP Prayer to Hestia: Hestia, virgin goddess, ignite the sacred living flame in this home. We swear by you that we come with pure intentions, and ask that our work be blessed and favorably received by the gods.

Proceed to the west, where you should have a small stone cairn in place. Carry the bowl with the pure khernips and bring a small cup or bowl for dipping.
  • This does not have to be a processional, but you can do so if you wish.

Pour water libations using the pure khernips, over the cairn. Dip water out using the cup. When making the libations, ensure that you cry sponde each time. This is the Greek word for libation. Suggested blessings and prayers are as follows:

P/A_____, For Hermes Aerias: Hermes Aerias, I call to you, hear us. Protect this land from enemies, and allow riches to grow here. (Give libation)

P/A_____, For Zeus Pater: Father Zeus, I call to you, hear us. Purify these lands, protect the provisions within it, let the rains fall, and let our fortunes germinate from your grace and guidance. (Give libation)

P/A_____, For the Dioskouroi: White colts, I call to thee, hear us. Sons of Zeus, glorious children of neat-ankled Leda, Kastor the tamer of horses, and blameless Polydeukes. You, protectors and friends of men, I ask that you guide us in our efforts, and ensure their success. (Give libation)

P/A_____, For The Graces: Blessed Graces, I call to you. Hear us. Companions of the gods, well-sung queens of shining Orchomenus, we ask that you give to us beauty, fame, and wisdom, in all of our tasks. (Give libation)

P/A_____, For the ancestors: To the honored and mighty dead, our ancestors. Hail, and bless us with your protection. (Pour libation)

P/A_____, For the local land spirits: To the nymphs, dryads, and other creatures here, be pleased with our work and bless this land. (Pour libation)

Return to the home and retrieve the khernips with barley, as well as the wine, grains, and incense. A1, A2, A3 and FP should carry these.

P1, P2 and P3 take the cutting instrument, go to the previously-selected tree, and cut the branch or twig from a sacred tree. P1 addresses tree with following:

P1: Lord of the Forest, Thunderbolt of Zeus, thank you for your gift. Bless us in our work, and watch over us in the future.

Be sure to thank the local land spirits as well. Cut this and return to the house.

With all seven priests, priestesses, take all items to the hole previously prepared on the east.

P1 lay the branch down, going west to east with the top facing east, near the hole.

P3 blesses the bottom of the branch with a portion of the barley water. Dip some from large bowl holding khernips and barley using a cup. Blessing uses the following prayer:

P3: With your power, may you stabilize and nurture the earth.

P2 blesses the center of the branch with a portion of the barley water. Dip some from large bowl holding khernips and barley using a cup. Blessing uses the following prayer:

P2: With your power, may you fill the air with your strength.

P1 blesses the top of the branch with a portion of the barley water. Dip some from large bowl holding khernips and barley using a cup. Blessing uses the following prayer:

P1: With your power, may you touch heaven and bring justice.

P1: pour the remainder of the barley water into the hole, as well as a small portion of wine. Throw in small amounts of the grains, and light the incense cone or stick and toss it into the hole. Make prayers:

P1, To the chthonic deities: Gods of earth, with these offerings ensure health for the earth and sustenance for your servants.

P1: Anoint the top of the branch with milk and honey, and tie ribbons on the top.

P1, To Ares: Ares, great god, protect us from our enemies and ensure our continued success.

Erect the branch in the hole, fill with dirt.

(Optional): Wife/Significant Other of P1 comes and touches the top of the branch/post, declares “I have touched the top of the world.”

P1 declare that the greater sacred space is created and consecrated.

While there were prayers during the first evening meal, those were off-the-cuff by the various attendees. The morning meal of the first ritual on Day 2 had proscribed prayers, which are included here.

First Ritual, Day 2

  • Set up an altar or ritual space. Prepare all four elements left-to-right on south side as follows: Fire, Air, Water, Earth. Purify the area of the ritual.
  • Set up a pitcher with some milk and honey in it for libations.
  • Place a small bowl of barley on the table.
  • Have the tools that will be consecrated. These are the knives to be used in the ritual later in the day, and the cakes. You may also bless the wine and any other offerings to be made later at this time.
  • Have a small piece of bacon or pork available for a mock sacrifice. A small cutting board should be available as well.


Meditation by ______________

  • Smudge by________
  • Tingshas by________
  • Wash in Khernips

Casting the Circle by ____________

All participants take small bit of barley from the bowl and pass clockwise until all have it. P1 declares “Let us consecrate the space” and all toss onto the altar.

Elemental Invocations

Fire by ___________

I call to the South and Elemental Fire

Bringer of strength and courage, passion and desire

Guardian, join us today in this place

Be with us now in this sacred space

We ask that you grant your clarity of sight

And assist in purification for this consecration rite

We bid you hail and welcome.

All: Hail, and Welcome

Air by ___________

I call to the East and Elemental Air

Bringer of creativity and awareness to all that we dare

Guardian, join us today in this place

Be with us now in this sacred space

We ask that you grant your clarity of sight

And assist in purification for this consecration rite

We bid you hail and welcome.

All: Hail, and Welcome

Water by ___________

I call to the West and Elemental Water

Bring insight and intuition, do not let us falter

Guardian, join us today in this place

Be with us now in this sacred space

We ask that you grant your clarity of sight

And assist in purification for this consecration rite

We bid you hail and welcome.

All: Hail, and Welcome

Earth by ___________

I call to the North and Elemental Earth

Bringer of strength and abundance, stability and self-worth

Guardian, join us today in this place

Be with us now in this sacred space

We ask that you grant your clarity of sight

And assist in purification for this consecration rite

We bid you hail and welcome.

All: Hail, and Welcome

Gods Invocation

Hear me great Gods glorious and bright

We ask that you observe during this rite

Give your blessings and agree to nurture

Both now and in the future

Our work, with these tools that we bless under your sway

As we purify and consecrate them today

May praise to you be far flung

And the greatness of your deeds always sung

Hail and welcome

All: Hail, and Welcome

Goddesses Invocation

And to you great Goddesses magnificent and bright

We ask that you also observe this rite

Give your blessings and agree to nurture

Both now and in the future

Our work, with these tools that we bless under your sway

As we purify and consecrate them today

May praise to you be far flung

And the greatness of your deeds always sung

Hail and welcome

All: Hail, and Welcome

Personal Invitations

Move around the circle three times and allow participants to invite patrons in for the ritual.

First Libation and Prayer

Pour some milk and honey into a central bowl, and recite this prayer:

Castor and Polydeuces, and bright-shining Helen, bless us this morning. Let your chariot shine down upon us during the day, and may your presence brighten our lives.

Second Libation and Prayer

Pour a second round of milk and honey into a central bowl, and recite this prayer:

Blessed Kore, we rejoice in your return and this glorious Spring. Bless these cakes, fruits of Demeter, and may you honor us with your presence today.

Starting on the south, pass the grains and cakes between all of the people in the circle, counterclockwise, and have each person bless the items as they go.

Third Libation and Prayer

Pour a third round of milk and honey into the central bowl, and recite this prayer:

Ivy-crowned Dionysus, splendid son of Zeus and glorious Semele, god of jubilation, we ask that you bless this wine, and honor us with your presence now and always.

Purification of the Knives

If each priest/priestess wishes, they may do this for their knives. Otherwise P1 can do it. Say "I do these rites to purify this tool."

By Fire

Pass the tool through or over the flames of the altar and say:

"The fiery blazes burn out all the dross.

In Zeus's name: be thou cleansed by Fire!"

By Air

Hold it in the incense smoke and say:

"Olympian breezes blow away all taint.

In Hera's name: be thou cleansed by Air!"

By Water

Use a laurel sprig or some other item to sprinkle the water on it and say:

"The Ocean's waters wash out every stain.

In Poseidon's name: be thou cleansed by water!"

By Earth

Sprinkle salt over each, catching the salt again in the bowl beneath and say:

"The fertile soil of Earth renews all things.

In Demeter's name: be thou cleansed by Earth!"

Recite spell

"Now thou art cleansed by every element

To serve my needs and answer my intent.

I consecrate thee by the names divine

Of all the Gods, and by this sacred sign."

Make the ΥΓΙΕΙΑ (Hugieia) Pentagram over the object. Draw the pentagram with your finger, wand, athame etc. horizontally over the object. (If you use your hand, then close your fist and point the thumb and first finger.) Start with the line from the left arm to the right arm of the pentagram. As you draw it, toward the end of each stroke sound one of the letters Υ, Γ, Ι, ΕΙ, Α:

huuuuu, gggggg, eeeeee, aaaaay, aaaaaah

Mock Pork Sacrifice

P1 takes piece of bacon or pork, and prepares to sacrifice. Sprinkle a bit of khernips on the meat first. Say: “May the gods be happy with this sacrifice” and make one cut. Women should ululate at this time.

No cakes and ale, as we will have a ritual meal immediately afterward.

Guest Releasing

Friends of spirit standing with us today

Your presence made our circle happy and gay

Your grace was a blessing, our hearts you filled.

Go if you must, but stay if you will.

Hail, and Fairwell.

Goddesses Releasing

Thank you great goddesses for blessing this rite

By joining us today and granting us your site

Walk along beside us as we journey anew

Our individual paths leading closer to you

We bid you Hail, and Farewell

All: Hail, and Farewell

Gods releasing

Thank you great gods for blessing this rite

By joining us today and granting us your site

Walk along beside us as we journey anew

Our individual paths leading closer to you

We bid you Hail, and Farewell

All: Hail, and Farewell

Elemental Releasing


We thank you for your blessing oh Elemental Earth

For bringing strength and abundance, stability and self-worth

Thank you for joining us today in this place

And being with us in this sacred space

We bid you Hail and Farewell

All: Hail, and Farewell


We thank you for your blessing oh Elemental Water

For bringing insight and intuition to your sons and daughters

Thank you for joining us today in this place

And being with us in this sacred space

We bid you Hail and Farewell

All: Hail, and Farewell


We thank you for your blessing oh Elemental Air

For bringing insight creativity and awareness to all that we dare

Thank you for joining us today in this place

And being with us in this sacred space

We bid you Hail and Farewell

All: Hail, and Farewell


We thank you for your blessing oh Elemental Fire

For bringing strength and courage, passion and desire

Thank you for joining us today in this place

And being with us in this sacred space

We bid you Hail and Farewell

All: Hail, and Farewell

Releasing Circle

The meal prayers were as follows:

For the Dioskouroi (P3 reciting): Sons of Zeus, Gemini twins, who have a true regard for men of justice and are faithful friends of mankind, may you bless and guide us this day. May you be pleased with our offerings.

For Persephone (A3 reciting): Queen of the Underworld, blessed Kore, goddess of Spring in which we rejoice, may you bless us this and all days. May you be pleased, daughter of Demeter, with these cakes and offerings.

For Hermes (Also A3 recites): Blessed Hermes, bringer of luck and good fortune, may you bless us this day and be pleased with our offerings.

For the ancestors (P3 recites): We welcome our ancestors to our table, to partake of our feast with us. May the honored dead not be forgotten, and guide us to good things in our lives.


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