Umm, my dad hit my car this morning. My parked car. So, when you see huge scary looking damage to my car, it's wasn't my fault and I didn't get in an accident. My dad just sucks, a lot. This is great.
So, I'm looking at the band lists for Warped this year, and considering not going, because there aren't any bands I'm dying to see, but then.... ATMOSPHERE?!?!?!
Everclear. Bassist, impressive, but the rest of them have no stage presence at all. I was dissappointed, but still enjoyed it. If it were not for that bassist, I'd say they were terrible live
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I hate when I think I have something to say and then I dont. But I had a good weekend and a good birthday and a good Monday and I hope you all did too. Continue the trend, kids. All you need is love...doot dah doo dah dah doo...
days are so much better when school isn't involved! three days of that garbage this week. then, a good long weekend.
<3 <3 <3
p.s. awesome news. when my dad donated platelets today, the red cross lady told him that they're going to reschedule the MHS blood drive! so, it would be nice of you to donate if you can!
I should watch what I do more carefully, because people are going to start thinking I mean things much meaner than I really do. Well, that still happens
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