Meat is good, and with all the other shit that people do to themselves and the planet, meat diet falls on the lower end of the spectrum for me. The world would be better if; people drank less, didn't do drugs, didn't drive gas guzzling cars, didn't have unprotected sex, exercised regularly or any number of things that make this world what it is. Despite the fact that cows eat up a shit load of food that doesn't seem to stop the tons of grain that get dumped into the ocean every year to keep prices in some particular range.
There was a time when I went vegetarian for all the reasons you listed above. It's an intelligent way for individuals to live but at the same time I would never fight anyone over it. :)
The problem I have with the vegan "meat cases world hunger" argument is that it looks at the wrong cause. The cause isn't that we physically don't have enough food. We do. Hell, we even pay farmers to NOT grow food. The problem is that nobody can pay for it and private charity and government spending isn't enough. Now theoretically, you could argue that food shouldn't be bought and sold in cases like this, but that's beyond veganism.
Comments 12
There was a time when I went vegetarian for all the reasons you listed above. It's an intelligent way for individuals to live but at the same time I would never fight anyone over it. :)
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