Everyone who thinks Sean Bean is ugly and/or fat ::coughJakecough::, you are absolutely mad. It's official. That's all there is to it.
How can Sutherland expect us to read Romeo and Juliet and not expect me to go into fangirl mood whenever Romeo has a line? And that is not because Sean Bean played Romeo in (I think) a '91 production. Don't credit me on years. I don't remember.
Anyways, I found out Sean Bean's in Black Beauty! I have never had any desire to ever see that movie, but, well, now it's sitting on top of my TV. I will watch it this weekend.
I will stop before this goes too far.
I had so much homework tonight. Seriously, it sucked. That's what you get for going home sick. Oh well. Nothing I can do about it now.
Lyrics of the Update:
They painted up your secrets with the lies they told to you. And the least they ever gave you is the most you ever knew. And you wonder where these dreams go when the world gets in your way. What the point in all this screaming? No one's listening anyway.
**** Acoustic #3, Goo Goo Dolls ****