ok seriously ur a fucking dumb ass bitch and im going to be the hell out of u whoever u are, becaus ei love kiley so much and if she was anorexic i would know, alright and she isnt, and besides even if she was ur a fatass and thats too bad that u have to go and waste ur time on how someone watched what they eat;haha; ok so seriously, and yah she is ALLOUD to get her frineds in this alright u fucking whore i sware to god when i find out who this is im going to fucking beat ur ass up!! so dont even talk shit, miss anonymous!! fucking say one more thing, just do it!!
yea. ok you dont have a life if you hate someone so much that you go on thre livejournla and write bad abotu them.yea. get a life. loser. you shoudlnt even talk. kiley rocks. and your jeolous because she hates you. i mean i know kiley rocks. and its to bad your not friends with her. btu just deal with it. were her friends . ha. i betch you your firneds woulndt even stand up for you. aww. to bad,and kiley didnt bring us into this. we brought us into this. because were her true friends// and if we see our bff. get messed with then were not going to just let her get pushed around./ so . how about you go get a life. instead of going on someones livejournal on anouymouse syaing that they suck. when they have a life. friends. and sosmthign ebtter to do with there life then what you do .your a dumbass. so houwabout you stop. and go find somethign better to do .
Kiley its not fucking me and just because you dont want to be my friend again you dont have to i am just saying that is not me i swear okay and i dont want everyone to be pissed at me for no reason and i dont think ur anorexic and i know im fat but that doent mean ur anorexic.
Hey kiley whats up? why the fuck are you mad at Kelly? she didnt say shit about you ever !! so go fuck off or u should just go fuck colin or something .... but get a freaking life !!! I mean you didnt like madison before olivia and all them did so why do you like her now bitch?
Comments 36
elise !@#$%^&*
say something now
so . how about you go get a life. instead of going on someones livejournal on anouymouse syaing that they suck. when they have a life. friends. and sosmthign ebtter to do with there life then what you do .your a dumbass. so houwabout you stop. and go find somethign better to do .
yea. thats what i thought.
u no it was u
stop lieing !
~* Kristian ~*
make them stand up for u .. ya ok real muture !
im not even going to waste my time !
and hun i have a better life then u !
that y
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