I super duper enjoyed reading this XD And I am so super duper happy for you!!! (and omg Tsuka-chan ACTUALLY SANG during his solo?! omgomgomgomgomgomg *flails*)
Were you guys calling out Fumi's name when he noticed you, or just waving the penlights? I'd been meaning to ask XD
Yes! Tsuka-chan sang!!! And it was awesome!!! Him backflipping the entire arena was just so amazing to watch!!! I wish you could have seen it T^T
And I think we were just aggressively waving our penlights. LIke it was still during the MC so everyone was sitting with their penlights off, and I think the movement of lights caught his attention, and especially since we had it set to purple. "Ah, doumo." *wave* gjfdjghdsalghsaljfghdlsghdasgh It was the bestest!!!!!
So, like, yeah, my bias towards the Sakamoto is all here with feels and yeah, but damn! These cons sounded like so much fun, and Daybreaker, and I just, I'm so glad you had fun and got to go. :D It sounds so awesome, even if it is just a quick report. :D :D :D
OMG, I could seriously ramble on about ebi for days if I could XD;;; But the concert was just sooooooo much fun!!! Ebi are suck great performers, even when they sound like crap XD;;;; But they're all just as pretty in person as on your computer screen X3
I still can't believe they actually sand daybreaker!!! That was actually really cool to see, and I'm glad I actually got to see it live :3
I had grabbed the kismai j-ticket confirmation page, and not the ebi one OMG Fortunately you had enough time to go pick the right one! By the way, I'm curious, you got your tickets through J-international...?
SWINGS!? I seriously think these boys want to die on stage, in front of all their fans.
I had never seen this towel before, it's sooo pretty! Lucky you who got it!
So happy for you that you seem to have had so much fun and that Fumi noticed you!! ♥ =D
I got the ticket for the Sunday show through J-ticket international, the one for monday my friend had bought, where she got it I'm not sure, I kind of just let that up to her to get XD I also got a ticket for the kismai concert in July, but yes, thank god I had plenty of time to actually get the right confirmation page XD;;;;;
Yeah, the swings were terrifying to watch live, like especially when I was in the 6th row. I was seriously gripping my penlight, hoping neither of them would fall. The second day too was like, "you kids don't hurt yourselves D:"
The concert was just so much fun, if there had been another concert the next day in tokyo, I would have gone to it, like seriously, I never wanted it to end. I really hope it gets put on DVD because EBI ;A;
Also, thanks for reading my rambly mess of a report XD;;; <33
Comments 24
I super duper enjoyed reading this XD And I am so super duper happy for you!!! (and omg Tsuka-chan ACTUALLY SANG during his solo?! omgomgomgomgomgomg *flails*)
Were you guys calling out Fumi's name when he noticed you, or just waving the penlights? I'd been meaning to ask XD
And I think we were just aggressively waving our penlights. LIke it was still during the MC so everyone was sitting with their penlights off, and I think the movement of lights caught his attention, and especially since we had it set to purple. "Ah, doumo." *wave* gjfdjghdsalghsaljfghdlsghdasgh It was the bestest!!!!!
I really can feel all the energy heating up while reading this.. :DD
The concert was so much fun and full of energy, ebi are seriously the greatest!!! X3
I still can't believe they actually sand daybreaker!!! That was actually really cool to see, and I'm glad I actually got to see it live :3
And yes, sakamoto was adorable!!! X3
OMG Fortunately you had enough time to go pick the right one! By the way, I'm curious, you got your tickets through J-international...?
SWINGS!? I seriously think these boys want to die on stage, in front of all their fans.
I had never seen this towel before, it's sooo pretty! Lucky you who got it!
So happy for you that you seem to have had so much fun and that Fumi noticed you!! ♥ =D
Yeah, the swings were terrifying to watch live, like especially when I was in the 6th row. I was seriously gripping my penlight, hoping neither of them would fall. The second day too was like, "you kids don't hurt yourselves D:"
The concert was just so much fun, if there had been another concert the next day in tokyo, I would have gone to it, like seriously, I never wanted it to end. I really hope it gets put on DVD because EBI ;A;
Also, thanks for reading my rambly mess of a report XD;;; <33
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