...except thinner, because you know, that whole supermodel thing.
I'll assume she's supermodel thin under that coat.
Also: I edited the title to make it clear that this is a REC. In case, y'know, the signature at the bottom and the linktastic clickability doesn't make it clear that there are NOT my own work and I'm NOT trying to take credit for them.
Comments 4
And OMG, girl!Five is almost exactly how I pictured Angelina inside my head... except thinner, because you know, that whole supermodel thing.
...except thinner, because you know, that whole supermodel thing.
I'll assume she's supermodel thin under that coat.
Also: I edited the title to make it clear that this is a REC. In case, y'know, the signature at the bottom and the linktastic clickability doesn't make it clear that there are NOT my own work and I'm NOT trying to take credit for them.
I just thought they were Really Cool.
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