I'm an American kid in the end, born and bred and whatnot. I tend to think even less of Thanksgiving because, uh, I grew up celebrating it as more of a food holiday than an actual holiday for giving thanks, so I'm more than happy with just the days off and some semblance of a Thanksgiving feast from my parents.
But anyway!
Things I am thankful for:
1. We're not having ham.
2. My Hols is done. I think.
3. Diet Dr Pepper. Enough said.
...okay, so that's a joking list. XD The real one is much sappier..
1. Getting to meet all of
you. I'm incredibly happy that this year, I made a few new friends on LJ and irl. I'm so glad we've met, all of you. I just realized, actually, that I've known quite a few of you for over a year now, which is kind of mind-boggling because that means you've been around for more than 1/16 of my life. Whoa. In any case, it's amazing being able to flail/laugh/cry/rant with all of you.
2. My parents. I know I wtf at them and rage about them a lot, but in truth, I'm happy we get along most of the time. I'm in my ~teenage rebellion~ right now in which I don't really tell them much about my life, but they accept that for the most part and it's all good. My sister too, because even though she's away at college most of the time, we still get along. ~__~
3. Fandom. It's dramatic, it's dumb, it's overly flaily and awkward and scary sometimes. But I like it. It's kept me insane and brought me closer to a lot of you. <3
4. Okay, so I'm not kidding about the diet Dr Pepper/Coke/soda thing.
5. Healthier lifestyle choices. Eating better. Exercising leisurely but frequently. Being able to lose weight. Being positive about it the majority of the time.
6. Shoes/clothes/fashion. It's also frustrating when I can't fit into the clothes I want to, but I'll take it as a blessing that I've grown into someone who cares about how they look. It's going to help later in life.
Because it's Thanksgiving, you get a Christmas post. Yay.
Fandom/fic wishlist
1. Awkward Ryo/Shige! XD this is a given.
2. Anything with Ryoko in it. Seriously. Doesn't matter if it's a pairing or just a singular, I would love me some Ryoko fic. and then you should post it to
kobayashiryoko , just saying.
3. PIN. 8D Pin bicycle works too. Feel free to write RyoPin, AubrePin, Akamepi...n, and... anything you can think of. XD Porn or no porn, preferably not, I want them to be boys (and girls, depending) being boys (...and girls) an generally being stupid and having a good time.
4. I am a fan of Yasu/Ryo. Just saying.
5. Hayato/Ryu. Happy Hayato/Ryu. Semi-happy Hayato/Ryu. XD I want them to be boys and generally awkward/awesome and flaily and Hayato has to say "kudappai" just because he's Hayato, and please to be mentioning Ryu's skinny... everything. 8D;;
6. On that note, drama fic in general! XD;; Osen fic would be epic, as would crossovers. I don't care who or what (girls work too), but I love drama fic. :D
7. And moving on from fics, if you ever find anything to contribute to
kobayashiryoko , I would love that. Graphics, fic, scans, news, rumors, videos; I'm serious when I mean anything. I'm the only one that's ever made posts over there and it gets kind of lonely. :< I want us to be a thriving, flourishing community.
8. SPAM ME. 8D Pictures of your favorite group, member, things that remind you of them, tales of your escapades in Johnny-land (or other, I'm not picky), as long as it makes you happy, we're all good.
...wow, this is hard. XD You know what, I will leave 9-10 open for interpretation. Do something fandom-related or write me fic that you think I would like. That's it.
Non-fandom wishlist
1. Smile. :3
2. I want Steve Madden Caryssa pumps in blush, be they patent or suede. >.> Or nice nude pumps in general. None of you can fulfill that, which I don't mind, but I'm reminding myself that I would love those shoes for Christmas in general. From anyone. XD
3. Write about your favorite fashion trend! :D I'm always curious as to what other people like, and always looking for new inspiration.
4. Recipes, recipes, recipes. :3 Food is an incredibly important thing to me, so if you have any especially awesome dishes that you think everyone needs to try, I am open to them. I pretty much enjoy all foods, so there are no restrictions on that. XD
5. Take care of yourselves? I like when people are healthy and happy.
6. Fulfill someone else's wishes!
7. Take a picture of your room or your favorite place in the house and show me! Or a picture of your favorite article of clothing? XD
8. Nonfiction book recommendations! :D I've been really bad at reading these days, but I love nonfiction, especially travelogues about Asia or Europe,
9. Have a happy holiday season. :3 Even if you don't celebrate Christmas or Hanukkah or whatever? XD 2011 is fast approaching (wow that's weird to think about), so enjoy 2010 while it lasts.
10. Make a happy face.
And now I'm going to stop failing at this stuff. XD Link me your lists and I'll put them below!
other wishlists:
Crys RihaAlex So yes, happy turkey day, happy Friday to some parts of the world, and generally, a happy day! ♥♥♥