a letter.

Nov 29, 2010 17:24

Because one of yuumei_nata 's wishlist items was to write a letter to the world explaining why everyone should be happy. I'm not the best at this, but here goes. XD

Dear universe,

I know it's not fair for me to be asking you of this, but I bet you get a lot of these requests so I think you can handle one more.

Can you let everybody in this world be happy, please?

I get it, you have a lot of people to watch over. And while our lives aren't controlled by the stars, there are sometimes things that we can't control happening to us. I can't tell you to just up and stop everything negative about life all of a sudden, because that's just how you've always been (but let's try working on that, little by little, okay?), but could you maybe lighten the load a little bit? I mean, you let the Black Death disappear in the seventeenth century after so long, so why not things like cancer or fibromyalgia or, I don't know, depression?

Because all of those things really, really hurt. Not just the person they affect, but everyone around them too. It's really hard seeing someone struggle and struggle and never get better, no matter what they do. I don't think it's fair to make lots of people suffer secondhand, and even less fair to make so many people suffer firsthand.

Before you go all "life isn't fair" on me, universe, I just want to remind you that you are fair sometimes. It's not very often, but remember the people that you've allowed to live lives that aren't so bumpy and stressful as some. Sure, there are always those moments when they're down in the dumps and their life seems to suck, but why are the number of people who seem to suffer that much greater than these lucky individuals? Entropy is the general state of the world, so I get how difficult it would be to reign in that very large amount of happiness, but I think you can do it. You're strong like that.

I'm not asking for everyone to be elated all the time and never feel sadness. That would be extremely horrible to humankind, because without those moments of sadness, we wouldn't know how to treasure the joy we feel in life. I just kind of wish you'd lessen the pain some people feel from simply living.

Because someone, somehow, put us on this world in order to live, didn't they? Life is a gift, and gifts are meant to be enjoyed. And not everyone enjoys life because of the horrible things they're forced to endure that they simply cannot escape, no matter how nice a person they are or how much they do for others. That doesn't seem right, does it?

Universe, I know that sometimes you're irrational and mean and crabby. I know you have it in you to be fair, so please, please, I beg of you, just let everyone find their joy in living.

The people who understand the joy of living are the ones that appreciate it the most, and appreciate you the most.

Thank you for your time.


just another girl

rose has too much free time, soapboxing, rose is lame, take me seriously, philosophy

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