A Project For 2007

Jan 05, 2007 14:08

This year, I thought I'd see how many different species I could spot on the Rotherhithe peninsula, which has pretty diverse habitats for 2/3 of a square mile of Inner London.

A few ground-rules:
  1. The area is bounded by and includes the River Thames, Plough Way, Lower Road and King's Stairs Gardens. The far shore of the Thames does not count. See map here.
  2. Air-breathing vertebrates and butterflies only. Fish are too dull and hard to see, and invertebrates are too numerous and hard to identify. Amphibians at a non-air-breathing stage count, but will probably also be hard to identify.
  3. Domesticated animals, including homo sapiens, don't count, but escaped or released animals do (e.g. the turtles living in Canada Water).
  4. Dead animals don't count, even though that's the only way I'm likely to find a hedgehog.
  5. Photos to be provided where possible, but it still counts if I can't get a photo.
  6. Hearing but not seeing does not count.
  7. Updates to be posted behind a cut tag for the benefit of those people who don't want to download large numbers of blurry thumbnails.
  8. Herring gulls, lesser black-backed gulls, yellow-legged gulls and Caspian gulls are different species. Whether or not I can tell the difference is another matter.

Poll Species Count
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