The Time Has Come

Aug 09, 2005 08:20

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Comments 22

snizzpod August 10 2005, 10:21:08 UTC
Damn you Smax. I've had my new tattoo planned down to the last curl and now you've thrown a blue-alien into the mix. I'LL NEVER GET THIS TATTOO IF YOU DON'T STOP BEING INSPIRATIONAL.

[New tattoo planned by my Mum and I: The Guarani people of Uruguay/Paraguay/Brazil had awesome monster mythology. Tupa, the God of everything, created the Mother and Father of humanity (out of clay-insteresting, no???), Sypave and Rupave, who in turn bonked lots and had an unknown number of children. One of their sons, Marangatu, who was a loving and prosperous leader of the Guarani, had a beautiful daughter called Kerana. Unfortunately, Kerana was raped by the evil spirit Tau, and sired seven monster sons. My favourite is Mboi Tu'i, who is the Protector of aquatic creatures and waterbodies. He has a head of a parrot, the body of a snake. I'm adding a shark tail for obvious reasons. Now I might have to add a walrus/dugong as a sidekick. DAMN YOU. I DON'T HAVE THAT MUCH SKIN)


drsmax August 10 2005, 19:25:16 UTC
i can get you some extra skin


greyheaven August 15 2005, 02:26:17 UTC


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