Someone Like You
by Dr Squidlove
drsquidlove @@@
Oz/Law & Order: SVU crossover
Tobias Beecher's trying to rebuild his family in the shadow of the man he was in prison. Elliot Stabler's struggling to continue in the wake of divorce while his job eats away at his soul. It makes for an odd friendship, but it works.
Someone Like You, chapter 51: Waiting )
Comments 24
And Cragen keeping it so cool with Toby, even nudging Elliot to go to Vermont. Poor guy needs a Valium now :D
Yeah! Thank you for noticing that. I don't think Elliot would have let Toby's little drag show prevent him from giving Cragen Toby's details... but maybe Elliot gave a secret sigh of relief that it had already been taken care of.
Cragen deserves a freakin' medal for putting up with Elliot. I imagine he, like Victoria, might be desperately grateful to see his son in the hands of a calming influence.
Thanks iskra!
She's busy doing heroin and baiting Nazis, just like Dad.
Thanks sahem!
Olivia will be okay, right? Please don't get influenced by o-the-mighty-Fontana ideas of good story.
And of course, whenever Elliot ready to talk, something will push him to balk. But I'm glad he asked Toby to stay.
Thanks BR!
In my experience, hospitals are incredible places for making you feel alienated, and also for reminding you of how incredibly loving and kind people can be.
Olivia? She's going to be offered this fabulous new drug that deals with head injuries by making you age faster...
Ah, well. At least Elliot almost-talked. If everyone was good at talking, this story would have been four chapters long.
You know, a potential Holly-in-danger plot twist didn't occur to me until I saw the other comments. While, of course, I want Holly to ultimately be just fine, a knight-in-shining-armor, Elliot to-the-rescue scenario would go a long way toward not only repairing Holly and Elliot's relationship, but also restoring Elliot's confidence in his value as an SVU detective. Also, more guilty!Toby. I'm just sayin'. (Am I horrible for even contemplating that this is something I would want to happen?)
Toby didn't want to be the sole, obsessive focus of Elliot's life.
Yeah, been there, done that, and it didn't turn out so well for Toby, did it? :(
Elliot cared about him but he didn't trust him with his job or his kids. Toby knew how that went.
Yikes! Shadows of the Socks Visit From Hell, only in reverse. Noooo!
Mayyyyybe he'll go to Vermont. Y'all are just leaping to conclusions, like a bunch of leapfrogs. But hey, what could go wrong?
You are indeed horrible, and also brilliant, for embracing the idea of torturing a damaged eleven year-old to solidify the relationship between two grown men. I love it. Though if you know anything of me by now, sure it is that I would need more than ten chapters to dredge through all the emotional crippling of such an event.
Being the sole, obsessive focus is thrilling, but it does have its downsides.
Yeeeees! But now I could kick myself that I didn't have Toby bring Elliot a few changes of socks, just to hone the parallel.
Thanks vanillalime!
LOL, something tells me that you had a whole list of things that could go wrong, divided into alphabetized categories, and it's really only a question of which one(s) did you decide to use. ;D
I would need more than ten chapters to dredge through all the emotional crippling of such an event.
I have no problem with that! As a matter of fact, it sounds pretty good! (Yes, obviously, I am a horrible person.)
Thanks M!
I love mundane stuff. And they do need to squeeze something between the sex. But you're right, there should be more sex...
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