Someone Like You
by Dr Squidlove
drsquidlove @@@
Oz/Law & Order: SVU crossover
Tobias Beecher's trying to rebuild his family in the shadow of the man he was in prison. Elliot Stabler's struggling to continue in the wake of divorce while his job eats away at his soul. It makes for an odd friendship, but it works.
Someone Like You, chapter 57: Family portraits )
Comments 33
I do like how close El and Toby are now, it warms my heart.
What a dilemma for Toby-how can he be a part of Harry's life?
Great chapter.
Ten year-olds just aren't thinking about that stuff. And it's idiotic that adults obsess about gay couples' sex lives when they don't think that much about straight couples'.
Yeah, I told you I'd get Toby and Elliot there in the end, didn't I? Now I get to be all self-indulgent and schmoopy.
Thanks maze!
And yes... thank God for Elliot. Thank God the bond between him and Toby is not easily shaken by a pouting 10 year old boy.
I'm so glad to see the way Holly is bonding with Elliot again, and he with her. That's good. I'm also very curious to see what's going to happen when Elliot's brood and Olivia show up. Luckily this couple has a few allies in that section already.
Nope. Elliot and Toby have worked their way here, and it's going to take more than a sheltered ten year-old being thoroughly predictable to mess them up.
I definitely couldn't have left the story without fixing Elliot and Holly. I love writing them.
Thanks sahem!
Yeah, if this story was going to be infinite, I would have liked more of Toby's job. I threw in a few references early on to the frustrations of being a top-level lawyer working for a barely competent one, but there wasn't room for more. And while I was willing to spend hours researching parole regulations and NY gun storage laws and traumatic head injuries and the boundaries of disbarment, I draw the line at property law. Hell no.
Did I say something about adult characters being like children? That was insightful of me, heh.
And Poor Toby! Still, maybe Harry just needs time.
And having Elliot does make things better.
Thanks mulder!
Yeah, I had to fix Elliot and Holly before the end. They're too sweet together to keep them apart.
Harry doesn't have much time. The chapters are running out...
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